Part 34

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Keene exhaled, then cleared his throat. "Welp, this is the moment you've been waiting for! All the winners from each category will receive cash prizes."

Keene scanned a table nearby, searching for the folder with the envelopes.

Where'd they put the envelopes? Weren't they right over there not even twenty minutes ago?

Keene felt a wave of relief rush over him as he noticed they were on a different table. He opened the folder, revealing four white envelopes. He walked back over, passing the smooth white envelopes to Vaughn, as well as a list with all the winners.

"Lin," Headmaster Vaughn called out to the crowd, a mix of monotone and contentment in his voice. He handed the envelope to him, $30 inside. Lin couldn't help busting out a grin, glad he won. Students clapped, though most of them did it out of politeness since Headmaster Vaughn signaled them to.

A cash prize of $30 was found inside the envelope for the low-tier category.

"Miri," Vaughn called out to the crowd while scanning it for any signs of the teen. Soon, the white-orange purple-haired teen strutted her way to the Headmaster, a sweet smile on her face.

Cho sneered, furious she hadn't won. Why did I have to lose and Miri win?  Why'd I have to lose!

Heather smirked maliciously, greed and jealousy engulfing her. Why should she have the prize if I can't?

Heather stuck out her foot, biting her lip as she smirked. Miri was distracted for a moment, but then looked down. She came to an abrupt halt as she noticed a foot stuck out in front of her. Ugh! The hell? Miri bit her lip, cautiously deciding what action to take. Her slight curls bounced as she flipped her white-orange hair back. Deciding not to give her satisfaction, she just walked on.

Oran shot daggers at Miri as she walked towards him, quietly attempting to intimidate her. Miri shot a glare back at him, her bright green eyes piercing through his soul. Oran shivered, a bit frightened.

Keene handed her the envelope, which Miri firmly grasped. Her fingers glided on the opaque white envelope as she held it up to the sun, attempting to see through it without ripping it just yet.

"Thank you," Miri responded, her voice sweet like honey. She quietly muttered under her breath, "Hope it's not some crappy amount. Didn't they say the prize was $40 dollars or something?"

When Miri would eventually open it, she would find a cash prize of $45.

Headmaster Vaughn signaled for the crowd to clap--many more were heard throughout the crowd, even though some sore losers stayed quiet during that time. Several whoops, hollers and whistles blasted out from the audience.

"Well," Vaughn announced. "May Isen please come up to claim his prize, winner out of the elite-tier fights?!"

As soon as Vaughn announced this, the orange-black haired teen confidently walked towards his Headmaster. He was gloating, proud that he won. Students stared intently as he walked, every step he took was as if he was bouncing.

Gee, a bit too excited? A student wondered, but then contradicted their thought as they realized the prize for the elite-tier category was $60 dollars.

Vaughn handed him the envelope, which Isen snatched out of his hand. Booming claps came out from the crowd as the head of the school press bowed.

"And finally..." Vaughn trailed off, building up tension. "The schools so-called 'Joker,' yet he left,' Headmaster Vaughn stated, pausing. "Guess he'll receive his prize tomorrow," he muttered under his breath.

A rush of some disappointed student's "Awhs" arose from the crowd, yet some students stayed silent at the mention of him. Nevertheless, countless students erupted from the crowd as they struck a conversation with their friends. Basically, everyone was talking about the masked student. Or, as they now called him, the 'Joker.'

"John has been hiding among us this whole time! The immense amount of power he has was kept secret for so long!"

"We've pissed him off in the past, what if he comes for us?"

"Ugh, don't even mention that! I don't wanna think about that right now."

"Well, seems like we'll see what happens tomorrow!"

"Oh, shut up!"

The Next Day
Waking up was always the same burden.

John arose from bed, realizing that he was no longer in the sweet dream of his, but the bitter reality. He felt a bit detached from himself, not caring about what happens next. Just... get the day over with, John thought as he sighed.

John was glad to at least have no one bother him as he walked towards the school building.

No one would dare attack him after the Turf War.

Wellston Hallway, 10:40am

Arlo sighed as he noticed Isen walking towards him in the hallway.

"Uh," Isen awkwardly uttered as he approached Arlo.

"Can we take this into a different room, without all these people?" Isen voiced, referring to the several students in the hallway.

Arlo sighed, but nodded his head as they entered an empty classroom.

"What is it, Isen?"

"Do you have a plan for John?"

"Why would I? It's not like anything significant will happen soon..." Arlo trailed off, as he recalled the Turf War. He noticed his mistake, which he didn't have a chance to correct.

"A plan for what'll happen now that everyone knows about John?" Isen elaborated.

"Hmm," the blonde wondered aloud. "It feels as if he's throwing a tantrum. Except, now that everyone knows about his ability, I'm not exactly sure."

"You can't be so passive with him, though! We can't have anything repeating from his old school!"

"What old school?" Arlo questioned, recalling nothing of the like. "What are you talking about? What happened?"

"Uhm... he was the King at New Bostin. And the way that ended, he beat his own subjects to a pulp, and got himself expelled," Isen explained.

"And you new this for how long?" Arlo sternly voiced, annoyed as he formed a piercing yellow barrier around Isen. "And didn't even try to warn me?

"I-I did!" Isen sputtered out nervously. "I tried to warn you, b-but-!

A cold blue glare was sent his way, the lie being crystal clear.

"Well, I didn't want to disrupt anything back then! I-I'm sorry!"

"Tch, save your excuses!" Arlo scoffed. "Leave if you don't have anything better to say."

"John may be the strongest student in Wellston, but you can't let that dictate everything! If he takes over, nothing good will become of it!" Isen stated, a bit nervously.

"No matter what, you can't give him the throne!"

Isen finished speaking, proceeding to leave the empty classroom. Soon after, Arlo exited it as well, shutting the door.

As Arlo walked out into the hallway, he felt someone's shoulder bump into him.

"Tch. Isen?" Arlo scoffed. "Oh, it's you again."

Author's Note
@RuanHaLi 's OC was in this chapter, @Orandiamond 's OC, @ChoFlow 's OC and karma_thiccs 's OC.
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please rate and comment! (

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