Part 8

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Narrator's POV
"Hey!" John yelled out, pretending to be offended.

"Go on, go on. I'm curious as to what happened after your little rampage." Seraphina joked. Instead of getting a laugh, or chuckle, she was met with an expression on John's face- guilt, and something else. Maybe hurt?

"I used to be a happy kid, y'know? But all of those kids, beating me up just because I was a cripple, for their own satisfaction got to me. I became a merciless King. Wherever I went, I was watched and judged, which made me very irritable and very likely to lash out. Every single day in New Bostin, the students there lived in fear and no one dared to oppose me. Eventually, Claire got tired of my tyranny and turned on me. She rallied half of the second year class, but as I told you earlier, they lost. When she told me she wished she never helped me, I beat her up. But now, I can almost sympathize with the cause. It was really hard for me. I feel really guilty, now. I hid my power so none of that would happen, again. After my 'rampage'", he emphasized, "I was questioned as to why I did it by the authorities. I knew that what I said most likely wouldn't help my case, and deep down, maybe I thought I deserved it? I was silent the whole time, so they had no choice but to expel me. I was taken to readjustment courses for three months. It really was a terrible time in my life. Maybe that's why... why I didn't want to tell you."

He didn't try to make himself seem any better than he actually was, admitting to his cruel and merciless behavior.

"Maybe, huh?"

"I came to Wellston to restart, a clean slate. I tried to keep it a secret, that I went to New Bostin, so no would know about my past." A bit ironic, because as soon as he mentioned New Bostin to Isen, he had found his high school and knew almost everything about his situation.

"I think I can empathize with what you went through. If you never came, then the power would've probably gone to my head, similar to what happened to you. Being the strongest one in a world full of lies, hurt, and beating people up for satisfaction...Who knows what would've happened if we never became best friends?"

A small chuckle escaped John's lips. "Then maybe I'd still be terrorizing New Bosti-" he stopped, realizing what a cruel joke he just made. After all this talk, that's the way he'd talk about New Bostin? After admitting to himself- and Seraphina, that he actually felt guilty, he'd still joke around like that?

Seraphina, seeing the raven-haired teen flinch about what he'd just said, tried calming him down. "Hey. It's fine. You were just joking around."


"Anyways," Seraphina said, trying to change the topic, seeing how many bad memories and feelings had been brought out "do you want to play some Angry Pigs?"

"Yeah, sure," John replied, with a small smile on his face. Now, he could beat her by using
Seraphina's ability.

John's POV
I can finally beat her, using her ability! Oh wait- she doesn't have her ability back.

Narrator's POV
Seraphina reached for her phone and realized it wasn't there.

"Um, John? My phone isn't in my pocket." Then, she remembered those mid-tiers took her phone, and annoyed with John's texts, smashed it on the ground into pieces. "Oh... I just remembered that those mid-tiers smashed it on the ground." Anger burst up inside of John, and the magenta-haired girl could've sworn she saw a glint of gold for a second.

"It was so expensive, and we just got new phones..."

"Well, I bet I can still beat this level without using glass!" John exclaimed.

*time skip brought to you by an author who doesn't want to explain 'Angry Pigs'¯\_()_/¯*

In the Hallway
Everyone was crowding near the bulletin boards, buzzing with excitement.

John's POV
What's that? Must be something exciting if it causes a big commotion like that.

I grab Sera's arm, pulling her to get her attention. "Do you want to check that out? It must be something good if it causes a crowd to form like that."

A small smile crept onto Seraphina's face. "You bet." She said, letting me drag her.

"Wellston Turf Wars- For Everyone"

Huh? Turf Wars for everyone? What are they thinking?

I keep reading.

A week from now- Friday, March 10, Wellston will be hosting the first School-wide Turf Wars! More details below.

•Cash prizes for the winner in each category!
•All students must participate
•students will be put into groups based on tier level (low-tier, mid-tier, elite-tier, and high tier)
•opponents will be based on your ability level
•ability gauger will be at the site
•to add to the excitement, all students are required to wear/bring masks to the event
•masks will be available for purchase today and next week, at Wellston, or you may purchase them at the Mall
•more details will be available on the day of the event

"Gee, I sure hope it's not the same guy at the mall that'll be scanning our abilities," Seraphina said.

"What are they thinking, with an event like this?" I asked.

"Well, it's pretty exciting, isn't it?"

Exciting? Says the one who quit Turf Wars and gave away her Queen title. But, you have to admit, this will be interesting. Cash prizes sound pretty nice.

"That is- If I had my abilities back." She said, gloomily.

"Hey, don't worry, they'll be back soon!" I try cheering her up, even though I know my words are probably another one of my lies.

"John. I know you're only trying to cheer me up, but I'll be ok. No more lies, remember?" Seraphina tried to plaster on a smile but failed.

Author's Note
Thank you for all the stars and the nice comments! <3 They actually motivate me to keep making chapters. Also, a big thank you to _KimEunAh_  and UnOrdinaryBookWorm2 for help, some ideas, and nice comments.

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