Part 23

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"Team C will now go against Team D!"

A quick recap of the teams.

Gavin, Tanner, Cho, and Miri will be on 'Team C'.

Tazuki, Heather, Oran, and Brea will be on 'Team D'.

Gavin boasted to other students, claiming he would win.

Of course, this just annoyed Heather even more.

She was going to win.

Not him.

No way she would let that happen.

She's as stubborn and boastful as Zeke.

No, even worse.

Miri didn't hesitate to agree their team would win, but she did argue that she would win against him.

Miri, a sweet and nice teen to people who she likes. But if she doesn't like you, you really need get away from her. She will not hesitate to hurt you.

"Hah, why are you so full of yourself? Under what circumstances would I let that happen?" Heather scoffed, annoyed both at Gavin and Miri.

"Are you sure about that? Our team will win, but obviously, I'll be the champion." Cho claimed.

Oran was silent during the dispute, although anger was boiling inside of him.

Not that it was a bad thing.

Although some say to fight with no emotion...(A/N: Something I recalled from Lookism, that I remembered for some reason! It was in a chapter with Zach)

It's been tested on a show, fighting with anger makes you stronger.

More dangerous.

You definitely don't want to be near someone temperamental while they're angry.

Oran decided to make the first move, using his newly found ability.

Mental weapon.

Of course it would be way more powerful if he was trained with it, but he only has a year's training with it.

He's able to conjure a weapon with his mind.

Though invisible, it still hurts, for example, the equivalent of being hit with a steel weapon.

His ability tends to be very powerful and uncontrollable, it may also back fire and hurt him.

He formed the weapon in his mind. A knife.

He attempted to move it, and carefully attempted to slit Gavin's arm, causing an initial shock.

That is, attempt.

In some ways, the outcome was lucky and some ways just the opposite.

Oran did not have much control over the knife this time, and it went a bit out of control.

The knife cut into Gavin's stomach numerous times. He let out groans of pure pain and annoyance.


You could tell his body was not processing this very well.

The knife then somehow proceeded to slit Brea, his own teammate. She quickly realized this.

"Knife guy, turn off your ability, at least for a second!" She cried out, that being the only name to come to mind at that moment in time.

Tanner went in, and decided to punch Oran, with this dominant hand, so his right.

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