Part 40

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Seraphina shut her eyes for a brief moment, not even knowing where to begin. She sighed, attempting to let her stress out. With the patience she has, it was an easy feat to appear calm. Seraphina twiddled her thumbs before she began.

"John," she began, in a calm voice. "What'll happen to this school? What are you planning on doing?"

The ravenette shook his head slightly, contemplating whether or not, to be honest. Guess I'll be blunt. "Well, being honest, I want to bring this school down to the ground. Everything is so stupid. What's the point of a hierarchy?"

That's not much of a shock anymore, is it... "Well, have you thought of what would result in that, though?" Seraphina responded.

"I don't get what you're trying to say! What type of stupid ideas did Arlo put into your head?!" John snapped out at her. The teen seemed taken aback by his backlash, jerking back. Her face contorted into a grimace. She looked as if she was as pale as a ghost.

This isn't the John I used to know. The John I knew was careless, funny, and kind. But then again, what did I know about him back then? Our friendship was entangled with a mess of lies. Nevertheless, it still hurts for him to be acting like this. "John. Seriously, what are you thinking?" Seraphina questioned him.

Thoughts jumbled up inside of John's head. What am I doing this for? Oh, only because someone spent months planning to ambush me. For all those times I got pushed around or beaten up just for being so-called "weak." Abilities don't define everything, you know! It's the inside that counts. But after everything they've done to me, I'm sick of it. They push us around like we are nothing. Currently, I could care less about everyone! ...well, almost everyone. There's only really one exception to this. She's the reason I'm doing this as well. Those no-good, stupid mid-tiers decided to kidnap Sera once her ability was taken away. What were they thinking? They could get away with it. "Oh hEr ABiLitY iS goNE wE cAN pUSh hER aRounD-" NO. It doesn't work that way. Someone had to teach it to them. Everyone is greedy and two-faced. Why should I care about them?

"Ugh, Arlo made me so vexed, sheesh. He admitted to me that he realized his actions were wrong. Although, it's pretty difficult to change a person's selfish ways. At least he realized what bull he was pulling, but it doesn't change what he did," Sera responded, realizing that she was trapped in a situation she didn't know how to handle.

"No sh-t, Sherlock," John snapped back. Seraphina honestly seemed taken aback by his reply. A pang of guilt stabbed him. "Oh, uh, I'm s-sorry. I just... I just don't know what to do, Sera."

Seraphina knew that inside of the boy, there was some sulky emotion in there, perhaps some empathy as well. For those he held dear to him, of course, which consisted of few individuals. Nevertheless, some sense had to be beaten into him. After all, you can't mope all day. "John. You can't get anywhere in life being upset all the time. Man, the feeling honestly sucks. I'd say, that, there's a long way to go, but at least we have eachother, right? I doubt anyone will mess with you at this point, which I'd say is a plus. Yet, everyone's afraid of you know. Which is what you didn't want. And we have to deal with Arlo. Ugh. In the end, though? It won't even matter. Just focus on that, will you?"

John looked lost in thought, seriously considering what Seraphina had told him. "At least we have eachother." The line repeated itself in the ravenette's head. Yeah, he smiled. At least we have eachother.

The anger had been drained out of John's tired mind. He was simply stressed out. "Speaking of which, you tried asking earlier, but what do you think we'll do about the whole hierarchy situation?" John asked, genuinely wanting an answer. It was difficult for him to let the words out of his mouth, to realize that he should listen. Almost everyone was always the "stupid one" in his eyes, and realizing that he was wrong, although selfish, hurt his huge ego.

With a sigh, Seraphina crafted together a plan in her mind. "Well... first, we need to play a round of Smashy Pig. Which means we have to buy a phone. At the mall," she replied, smirking, acting as if she's so smug.

"Dammit Seraphina, you'll always get something out of a situation. But you're not wrong... just don't you dare set foot in a clothing store."

"Oh, I will do just that," she puffed up. "I know how much you adore it."

Author's Note
Sorry for the super short chapter. P.S. happy one year and one week to this story. Please rate and comment! (I can't recall whether the game was called smashy pig, or something else. Let me know. If there's any errors, I apologize. Writing at one am is totally great.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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