Part 31

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After they healed up any injuries they had, the two teens returned to the Turf War area. The two were Remi and John, and now they would fight each other.

"Folks, these two teens will fight each, and whoever wins will get the prize from the high-tier category!" Keene announced. "We will start in..."







Remi charged up at John, attempting to blast iridescent blue lightning at him. The pinkette thrashed her fist forward at him, trying to get a deep black burn on him and punch him at the same time, 'killing two birds with one stone.' It hadn't worked out for her, unfortunately.


The black masked teen had stopped her fist, cold. Using Isen's ability which he had earlier obtained, he targeted Remi and thrashed his fist forward, pummeling towards Remi. The second his fist made contact with her stomach, Remi fell back, blood dripping down her face. She had grabbed her stomach, hoping the pain would quickly subside.

With a groan, Remi got up from the ground. She blasted more radiant cobalt blue lightning at John, not like she could hold back her ability now. It didn't matter anymore. It was too late, he already got a hold of a select range of abilities. The Turf War was basically a buffet of abilities for the black masked teen, you could say.

Remi sped up, blue flickers trailing behind her as she ran up to John in a snap of a finger. Her arm bent back at a 90-degree angle as she plunged her hand forward. Lightning crackled from it as she smacked John in the face and attempted to grab it forcefully, leaving red marks on his cheeks.

John grabbed Remi's arm and squeezed it tightly, leaving a bruise. His grip only got tighter as Remi tugged to get out of his grasp, to no avail. Lightning illuminated out from her as she attempted to burn John to get out. She thrust her leg forward and kicked him in the stomach, distracting him. As he flinched and jumped back, his grip loosened and Remi got out.

Black lightning filled the sky as it propelled towards Remi, sparking in the air. John dashed back towards Remi, ignoring the lingering pain in his gut. The lightning inched towards Remi, almost mocking her.

Technically speaking, John's ability was made to mock high-tiers and the hierarchy. Imagine being immensely powerful, then this one student copies your ability, amplifies it and pummels you. It'd be humiliating.

The lightning suddenly blasted Remi, black sparks flying everywhere.


The lightning zapped Remi, burning her entire body as intense black lightning engulfed her.


Remi started shaking, the lightning clearly affecting her as she moaned out loud in pain.


Remi fell to the ground on her knees, scraping them in the process. Her knee was beginning to bleed, but she brushed it off as it was the least of her problems at the moment. She had made a feeble attempt to get up from the ground, which worked, but before she had much time to react John walked over to Remi, his hand turning into an incandescent demon claw. His hand gave off a black glow, his fingers sharper than a needle. Remi crossed her arms over her chest, attempting to defend herself and that was the result of having to decide in a second. His claw slashed Remi's torso and arms, blood dripping out from them as a result. Blood spurt out her mouth, bruises covering her body.

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