Part 38

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Author's Note
I don't really have much to say, but I'm really sorry I was on a hiatus so long.


Remi snarled as she was demanded to leave, immensely annoyed. "Tch," she scoffed, huffing. "Fine, I'm only leaving since I wouldn't be able to fight you anyways," Remi mumbled.

Blyke and Isen shuddered, sweating buckets. They ran away as quickly as they could, their hearts pounding inside their chests. "Holy hell, what the hell just happened?" Isen mumbled, his voice a whisper. His hands were trembling from the fear.

"What the hell were we just forced to do? D-did you see how he was looking at u-us?" Blyke stuttered, huffing heavily.

"Yeah, ugh! Why does he have to be at our school? Everything would be so much easier if he weren't," Blyke complained.

"Dude, shut up! What if he hears us-?!" Isen shot back, extremely paranoid.

Blyke listened to his orange-haired friend as they walked the hallways in silence.


Arlo's POV


An alarm clock repeatedly beeped in my room, pleading me to get out of bed.


Ugh, what is it?


I swear if that thing beeps one more time-

Almost as if the alarm could read my mind, it annoyingly beeped once more.

Won't it be quiet already?

A rational thought struck me all of a sudden, my senses coming back.

Well, that's the whole damn point of an alarm clock.

I got out of bed and folded my blanket neatly, instead of just tossing it, as a lazy person would do.

I got everything ready for the day, and walked towards the school afterwards.

Well, things will definitely be a lot different... definitely not something I'm looking forward too. Everything's been more... awkward these past few days.

I let out a sigh of exhaustion, exhausted from the day before. My mind switched to various thoughts, until it pondered on a certain topic.


What are we going to do with him? He's the most powerful student in the school. Knowing him, he's still furious at me. Just because I tried putting him his place. What can I do about it?

I can't bring myself to let someone like him take the throne! He always complains, like a child.


Realization struck me — it was all my fault this happened!

I tried forcing John into the hierarchy and trying to show him his role. I repeatedly told him to learn his place! But he even knew himself that he wasn't fit for the role of a king! He's so reckless and reactive! He doesn't think things through, and his anger takes full control of him! He knew he wasn't fit to be a king! But, all I did was force him into the rankings! He kept on refusing it, but eventually, he snapped! Now, all thanks to me, all of Wellston is being punished for it! How could I screw up this badly?

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