Part 19

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The Next Morning (Seraphina already got her phone, nothing significant happened at the mall, no need to explain it.)

All the students in Wellston were jittery with excitement. They were told to put on their masks before they go to school, thus allowing no identities to be known. Of course, some students had gone shopping together to purchase their masks, but the school didn't need to know that.

Most students actually looked forward to school today. Instead of sleeping late, many students sprang out of bed, eager for time to pass by.

Some time passed, and all students were at school. A group had formed, everybody talking to one other, as not everyone knew exactly who they were speaking with. Numerous students did recognize their friends voice, though.

"Alright, Wellston students. This is the day you've all been waiting for." A voice from the loudspeaker said.

All the chatter from the hallway had come to a stop, though there were a few occasional whispers.

Headmaster Vaughn.

"In a few minutes we will proceed down to the Turf War area. Please wait patiently as we finish setting up and preparing."

A brief click noise bounced through the hallway, Headmaster Vaughn turning off the speaker. Impatient students wait in the hallway.

(A/N: The Turf War will take place right outside Wellston.)

A student peered outside the window, causing other to crowd around her. Her hazel eyes beamed with astonishment.

"Look!" She pointed at the window, to a certain table. "There's the booth! The ability gauger, remember?" She stated. The window was slightly open, so the brunettes hair whipped her face, wind blowing directly at her. She mumbled something under her breath as she moved, so the wind could no longer bother her.

A blonde girl agreed with her, recognizing her friend. She didn't mention this to her, but both of them probably recognized each other. They had been told that revealing your identity could potentially get you in trouble.

There were some students who could care less about what the teacher warned them about, like Zeke.

The students talked amongst each other about the ability gauger, pointing to it just as the brunette had done.

A raven-haired boy looked out the window, not saying a word to anyone this whole entire morning. He decided to keep quiet, avoiding any extra attention to him this early, before the actual event. Many students were busy in conversation, others not paying attention to him. Good, he thought to himself. His gold eyes gazed at the window, lost in thought.

"Alright." A voice from the loudspeaker said, once again.

All the chatter in the hallway stopped as soon as Headmaster Vaughn spoke, everyone paying attention for once.

"We are ready for classes to start coming outside! Please file down the stairs, and walk down at a normal pace. Do not run, push or trip each other. We're all going to the same place, we're all starting at the same time, don't worry."

Despite his command, students quickly rushed out the building. Zeke pushed through all the students, thinking he was better than others. A few students yelled at him, but he didn't care to notice.

The ability gauger thankfully wasn't the same guy at the mall. They must've tested or background checked this guy after what happened, right?

All the students rushed to the ability gauger, eager to be the first one. No one likes waiting in lines for hours. Thankfully, it doesn't take very long.

The man who tests abilities does it the same exact way as the guy at the mall. He takes the students hand, activates his ability, and sees what level they are. This guy is more accurate, though. John notices his aura is stronger than the ability gauger at the mall.

In the low-tier section, is Crail. Individuals with an ability level between 1.0 and 1.9 are considered low-tiers. Although only Crail fell into the category out of all students in Wellston, low tiers make up 30% of the population.

People murmur around him, wondering where John is.

"Is Johnny boy too afraid to come, afraid he'll lose?" Zeke taunted.

This angered John, and he wanted to go and punch him at that moment, something. But he knew better than to go expose himself. After all, who would stand up for him? Other than Seraphina, of course, but only a few students knew that her ability came back. She wanted to keep it a surprise, or shock.

"What about Seraphina? Did she go and skip school with John? Too scared and wimpy? Now John has no one to leach off of." Gavin asked.

This angered both of them, but neither interfered. They both knew better.

The students who were put into the mid-tier section included the following; Hower, Rouker, Skrev, Juni, Krolik, Heinz, Illena, Gavin, Tanner, Brea, and more. Individuals with an ability level between 2.0 and 3.4 are considered mid-tiers, regular, everyday citizens of average power. Mid-tiers make up over 50% of the population, thus making them the most common tier.

The students who were put into the elite-tier category are; Blyke, Elaine, Isen, Holden, Meili, Abel, Ventus, and Zeke. Individuals with an ability level between 3.5 and 4.9 are considered elite-tiers. The second highest tier, these gifted individuals are not only extremely competent in combat, but also compromise some of the most well-respected social groups and take on positions of prestige and authority. The elite-tier population is rather small, only making up 12% of the global population.

Students who fell into the high tier category are; Remi, Cecile, Arlo, Seraphina, and John.
Individuals with an ability level of 5.0 and above are the especially powerful high-tiers.
tiers, a class of rare and extremely powerful people whose abilities easily trump most others without the need of much strategy or finesse. Near-total mastery of their ability allows it to passively manifest. According to Keene, who is the head of security at Wellston Private High School, a single high-tier is like a one-man army. All high-tiers are held in high regard and make up 2% of the global population

The students in the god tier category include; Arlo, Seraphina, and John. These exceptional and revered individuals belong to a subcategory of high-tiers with an ability level between 6.0 and 10.0. They are the nigh-invincible god-tiers. The most powerful of the high-tiers are people who are not only born with extraordinary power but have discovered and mastered each and every intricacy of their ability.

According to uru-chan, a god-tier can only be defeated by another god-tier.


Author's Note
Happy spring! The weather here has been wack, though. Last Saturday it was 50 degrees and currently its 36.
Anyways, if you want your own character to appear in the Turf Wars, just comment their name, personality, ability, ability function, and level. They must be a mid-tier or below, only because all elite-tiers and above are known by all. If I added a, for example, god tier, then I'd have to include them in the whole story. That's the only reason why.
(A special thanks to the unOrdinary wikia, or else this would've been a whole lot harder.)

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