Part 29

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Now, the high-tiers will begin to fight. To make it a bit more even, the god-tiers will fight later on and we will have a one vs one first.

The winner from the one vs one will be placed on a team with one of the god tiers. Then, it'll be a two vs two.

Currently, Remi will be versing Cecile, the victor will be put on a team with either Arlo, John, or Seraphina.

Alright, now that that's clear, let's begin with the fights!

"Alrighty everyone, now the high-tiers will begin to fight! Now that we have explained how it'll work, we'll start!", Keene shouted out to the huge crowd of enthusiastic students, cheers echoing through the open field. The students were hyped for the high-tier fights, the brawls becoming more and more epic and intense as each level got higher.

A magenta-haired girl with green highlights tensed, knowing that her turn would be up next. Her glimmering, purple-gold mask twinkled from the sunlight bouncing off it, the weather being almost perfect. The sun was beaming, but any hotter and it would've started to turn their skin red, giving them a scorching sunburn. The air was muggy from the intense heat, a bit unusual from the climate here at Wellston. A breath of wind had cooled the students down, their faces sweating from their masks and the muggy, almost suffocating air.

Oh, how I wish that we didn't have a Turf War, Seraphina thought as she fidgeted with her fingers.

Who will I have to go against...?

Arlo? I've done that before, piece of cake.

Hmm, Remi is stronger than Cecile so I might have to go against her? She's acted so pleasantly towards me, even in my former state of a cripple. I'd feel a bit guilty attacking her, but this is what we have to do. It's not different then what I used to do.... but I quit our schools Turf Wars for a reason. Attacking students for no reason at all? Cruel if you ask me.

Hah, I think nothing like my past self. I've surely changed...

"Changed...", the word almost echoed itself in Seraphina's mind.

John...?!, Seraphina flinched at the thought. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of viciously attacking her best friend.

I might have to go against him as well!

Seraphina held her head in her hand while shaking her head, almost as if that could cause her to abstain from doing something like that. Her lip quivered a bit as she bit it, thinking of how she attacked numerous students at numerous Turf Wars. What about doing that to John? The thought had brought chills down her spine, the boy who had taught her how to defend herself and stuck by her, even when she was a cripple.

It's okay, Seraphina thought. She then diverted her eyes to the Turf War and brought her attention to the fight, patiently waiting, although not looking forward to her fight.

Remi scanned Cecile, discovering a homemade, teal decorated mask with feathers on it. She couldn't help but let a chuckle escape her lips, the ridiculousness redirecting her focus to the giddy mask.

A few snickers fled from the student's lips, amused on how childish one of the student's masks were.

Not that Remi's was much more mature, a scintillating yellow Pikachu mask engulfing her head. A tremendously gleeful grin on her Pikachu mask made it almost equally as hard to take Remi seriously as Cecile.

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