Part 6

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Remi's POV
If the authorities haven't been doing anything about Ember... the only possible reason could be is if they're the ones backing the attacks! But wouldn't they just lock them up instead? They have the authority to do that. Why would they do it in such a cruel manner, killing them? Killing high-tiers? If it isn't the government, who could it be?


I type into my laptop, "government and Ember?"


I scroll through the first page that appears.

"Ember attacks have been increasing!"

"Why You Shouldn't be a Vigilante."

"unOrdinary Book banned"

"Unfortunate Accident"

"Government Officials Not Doing Anything About Ember Attacks!"

This one caught my attention. I read the brief description under the title.

"Every time a vigilante dies, officials promise close friends and family they will work on the case. How far have they gotten?"...Click to read more


"The page you are looking for was not found. This page has been taken down. Sorry for the inconvenience. Search again what you were looking for."



I click the next page.

"Another One Bites the Dust"

Maybe this one?


"A majority of theses Heroes seem to be young adults. While strong individuals who are able to stand up to most opposition, they are still in their personal development stages. "Dreemer",  another well known Superhero was found dead Thursday. Authorities are keeping details private from the public, but witnesses who saw his final moments reported unusual behavior. All points lead to substance abuse. Our condolences to the family of "Dreemer".

Substance abuse... that's the only thing that could support the findings. I already know that, though. Ember is injecting substances to make themselves stronger. But I can't find a website backing this idea, although I already know this is true. Volcan and Alana both had syringe marks on their arms. Alana told me she had injected something to make herself stronger, which she bought from Volcan. But I can't get any more information from her, considering the fact she's dead.

"Unfortunate accident."


"Super Hero "Tyice" was found dead while dressed in his iconic blue and gold disguise. Authorities are keeping details on his death and identity a secret from the public so as to respect his privacy. His work was short-lived, but he was certainly one of the few heroes whose efforts will be remembered. To the family of Tyice, we hope you can find peace during this sad time."

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