Part 13

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Narrator's POV
Volcan has no choice but to hand him the vial.

She keeps it with her? Remi thought. How strange. Maybe Volcan doesn't want to lose the vial. Anyways, that just makes it more convenient.

"Does your friend have magenta hair?" Volcan asked, making sure she was handing him the correct one.

John only nodded in response. Volcan handed her son the syringe that would allow Seraphina to regain her ability. It was something similar to holding a sacred object. Lose it, and someone's hopes will be crushed. Your best friend's hopes.

Now, he decided to interrogate her. "Why did you take Seraphina's ability away? Why did you attack her? Why are you attacking people who didn't do anything to you?"

The answer to these questions were pretty simple. Because they were told to do so. They are commanded to hurt others and strip abilities by their higher-ups. They don't have a choice, unless they decide to quit, which rarely happened. Some produce these ability boosters and suppressors, while more powerful or people with more potential hurt others. They target strong people and erase their abilities to prevent them from becoming vigilantes, or overthrowing them in some way. Was this the best way to do it? No.

"This is what we are commanded to do." Volcan simply explained

Blyke, raising his eyebrows, asked "Why do you do these things?"

A stare is all he got in reply, at first. "I just answered that question." She said.

He couldn't argue with her. She had a point, after all.

What they needed was some way to know where Volcan is. They don't want someone like her loose in town, but they can't send her to the authorities. They wouldn't do anything. We don't have a tracker with us, Blyke thought. But she must have a phone, right? Isen must know how to find her location someway with that. Or obtain her phone number. That was the only thing Blyke could think of. He didn't feel comfortable giving this woman his contact information. But he knew someone who probably should. John. The question was, is he willing to do so? I sure hope so. The red headed teen thought.

John's POV
I don't want to help them. Especially not Isen. That rat lied to me. He tried to pry into my past while my guard was down. He crushed my hand just for the fun of it...

I glare at him, though he doesn't currently notice it.

And only decided to act friendly towards me after he realized my true power! Two faced piece of shit. He deserved every bit of that beating.

I look around me, then at my hands.

Why am I doing this again?

A flash of annoyance stings me.

Oh, right. Sera. She wanted me to go out and help them.


I turn my head. Blyke signals for me to come closer, I come, but glare at him in annoyance. "Can you two, um, exchange phone numbers?"

What the fuck is he thinking?

"And why, exactly, would I do that?" I ask.

"Well, we kinda need to... To keep track of her in someway. W-we can't have someone like her running loose around town. A-and you seem like the best person to do that. You are her son, after all." Blyke stutters.

She is my mother, but she's dangerous. There must be a reason why dad never mentioned her, right?

"Why don't you do it? It's your problem, after all. I didn't want to be involved in this. I just didn't have a choice. I'm not intervening any more. I don't give a shit on what, or who, you're trying to find." I say, speaking my mind.

I don't need to act like I care. Why should I?

"For Sera." A voice in my head says.

Sera's getting crushed under the weight of Arlo's bullshit system! She's fucking miserable! Everyone attacks her because of it! Only because she's a cripple!

I grimace, in disgust.

The quicker I can get this done, the quicker Sera can be happy again. She won't have to dread every single day she wakes up. She won't get her hopes crushed over and over again.

Blyke's POV
What an asshole! What should I do now? Maybe Isen will know a trick to be able to track her down, or something.

"Isen." I say.


I lower my tone to a whisper, so Volcan won't be able to hear, just like earlier. "Can't you install something in her phone to track her, or the like? I couldn't convince John to exchange numbers with her."

Isen flinches at the mention of John's name, although he is near us. "Yeah, sure. I know exactly what I could do."

He then proceeds over to Volcan. "Hand me your phone. Now." He demands.

"Hey, uh, John? Mind getting the phone? Your barrier is in my way." Isen asks.

John sighs, but takes it anyway. Glaring, he hands Isen the phone. Isen shivers.

Isen's POV
"First things first, what's your passcode?" I ask.

"638725." She reluctantly answers. She doesn't have much of a choice.

Let's check out this phone. Damn, that's expensive.

I briefly admire the phone, then return to the task at hand.

I know just the program to track her down. Only certain people have access to it, me being one of them. I found it somewhere on the web. What is interesting about this certain application is that there's only one way to access it, which is a bit complex. But in this situation, that's a good thing, because then she won't see the application on her home screen and delete it. That's what anyone would do in such a situation.

I swiftly install it, and make it so I can access it on my own phone.

"You done, dude?" Blyke asks.

"Yeah." I answer.

Remi's POV
Now, since we got some answers, time for my revenge. I'm sure she's one of the people who did this! Either way, she attacked us. Though we lost last time, now we have John. Just how powerful is he, though? I mean, he is stronger than Volcan.

I notice John getting rid of his barrier, and at this moment, I decide to charge at Volcan and shock her with electricity.

"UWAHHHH!" She cried out, obviously not expecting that.

Now, she decides to fight back. Volcan mistakenly charged at Remi and tried burning her wig (A/N I meant to type 'with' but it must've autocorrected to 'wig' so I decided to keep it xD) her flaming claws, but John punched her in the stomach, using Crail's ability, strong punch. He then kicked her. "No mercy, not even on you." He spat out. He then put a barrier around her and made it as small as possible.

"We're done here." John said, leaving.

Author's Note
Another update earlier than I thought? Lately it's been easier to write chapters. xD Anyways, I'm going on a one day ski-trip tommorow so you might get an update! (Key word: might.) The bus ride is around 3 1/2 hours to the mountain, and we get back on the same day. (My school organized it, and since the teachers have PD tommorow, that's why it's on a school day.)

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