Summer Breeze

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It was mid-June, the summer of 1992. I had packed my bags and am now on a plane to New York City, New York to attend The King's College, a college committed to Christianity and Bible work as well as helping their students stay on the right path for their future career.

I was nervous about being on my own for the first time like this. Growing up, my parents always made sure that I was protected from the evils of this world. But after so long, they are now trusting me to be able to take care of myself at college. I knew how to behave, to tell the difference between right and wrong. How could I not when my whole life was spent learning about how to be the best person I could be in the eyes of God. I had to be pure, and I am. At 19 years old I have not once kissed or touched a boy, let alone have a conversation with one because I was home schooled for a majority of my youth before I was able to attend an all girls Christian school for high school.

It never bothered me though, that I was different from most kids. I was born and raised in an extremely religious family who were also very strict about life and behavior. They were the type that made their daughters wear ankle length skirts or dresses and appropriate shoes and blouses. Although, being an only child did make me feel a bit lonely because I never had anyone to talk to. But I did make friends at the all girls school when I started as a high school freshman. They were kind to me as they knew how strict my parents were, as theirs were more open and understanding.

But my parents aren't here which makes me feel liberated, yet terrified all at the same time. They have always been great to me when teaching me how to go down the right path in life. However, things will be much different now. The college I am attending isn't as nearly as strict as my parents were, plus there isn't a curfew or a sort of segregation between the men and the women attending the school, except for the dorms of course. Speaking of the dorms, I am relieved yet saddened by the fact that all forms are single person occupied, which means no roommates. I would have loved to have someone to share a room with since I spent most of my time alone in my old room back at home, but no matter, I'm sure that I'll still make a friend in some way or form. The crazy thing, is that over the rest of the summer, classes not starting until late September, I will be able to do whatever I want. During the summer not a lot of faculty or nuns will be there as they will be else where mostly.

My mind ran amuck on the taxi ride to the college. Being enclosed, away from the real world, there was so much I could do now that I'm here, many unholy things I could do.

It was almost sunset when I arrived at the college, the campus looked so grand I feared that I would get lost on my way to the dormitory. Thankfully, there were stands with campus maps near by. As soon as I figured out where to go I began to haul my luggage to the west side of the campus where the women's dorm resided. I was feeling anxious at this point, the towering statues of religious figures intimidated me as I felt like they were watching.

I made it to the dorms, signed in and received a key as well as a pillow. I made my way up the never ending flight of stairs to the 6th floor as I was placed in room 665. I looked around the hall, hearing light chatter as others made themselves at home when I noticed that there is no room numbered 666. After my room, it goes straight to 667.

"Sucks how they don't have room 666." A voice said from behind me, causing me to jump a bit. I turned around to face a pale girl who was about my height. Her hair has short choppy and black, her eyes ringed in black matching the color of her lips. Her lips were also accompanied by two piercings, one on either side. Her clothes her also black, torn and tattered, it seemed to match her look. I've never seen anyone like her before, it was slightly terrifying.

"You okay there?" she asked, pulling me from my train of thought. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, I'm okay, why?" I asked, slightly confused.

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