Be My Druidess

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~A/N: HEY! I have not forgotten about this story or this chapter, I finished school two weeks ago, now I'm on summer break and over these last two weeks I've been trying to figure out how to go about this chapter, but it is finished, I hope you enjoy it, I promise not to take this long of a break again. So enjoy the chapter!!

The week and a half flew by in a blurb mainly because our date was all I could think about. I was both extremely excited and extremely terrified. I've never once in my life gone on a date before, I'm terrified that I won't know how to act or what to do.

"What do people even do on dates?" I asked Kat, she laughed. I was sitting on her bed trying not to move as she painstakingly fixed up my hair for tonight.

"Well, people can do a lot of things on dates. They can go out to eat, they can go to the movies, have a picnic, go to the fair, go shopping... there's a lot of things that can be considered a date is what I'm saying. Even sitting at home and watching tv can be considered a date." I sat there thinking for a minute as she brushed through my y/h/l hair.

"But...what should I do?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure that when I see Peter I will completely blank and freeze up, I swear, it's like that man has a way of knocking the wind out of me."

Kat snickered. "You sure are falling for him hard then, I guess."

I sat there in stunned silence for a second. I know her words are true, but I've never said it aloud nor have I really though about it, but she's right. I was falling for Peter, and I was falling hard.

"I guess I am." I said quietly with a small smile.

"I knew it." Kat replied, "I could see it in your face since the night of the concert, you're in love, y/n."

My cheeks burned as I remembered the events of the concert a few weeks ago. The feeling I got when Peter's eyes met mine will be something that I will never forget. The way he spoke to me with that deep silky voice of his sent a swarm of butterflies to furiously flap in my stomach. And his eyes, those beautiful emerald green eyes seemed to hypnotize me, they captivated me, I wanted to get lost in his eyes.

"So where are you going to meet Peter or is he coming here to pic you up?" Kat asked, bringing me out of my train of thought.

"Well, we had settled on meeting up at the venue where we first met, but when he called me last night after he got home from tour, he said that he'd much rather come here to pick me up, he said that would be the more gentleman thing to do."

"That's so sweet of him! I wonder what he'll wear for your date! Maybe an all black tux-or ooh! Maybe his leather jacket and his infamous olive green shirt." I giggled at Kat's excitement.

"It won't matter to me what he wears, I'll probably be too star-struck to notice." Kat laughed.

"Alright, I think I'm done!" Kat announced as she gave my hair a few more sprits of hair spray. She hands me the mirror and my jaw drops in amazement.

"Kat it looks amazing! Thank you!" I say as I try to look at my hair in every angle I can.

"Don't thank me just yet, I still have to do your make up, but right now you need to change." Kat remarked. I nod and make my way back to my room to put on the dress that I'll wear for the date along with the shoes. [Pictured Below].

 [Pictured Below]

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