Are You Afraid

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It was 9 am when I woke up, I felt a bit groggy from sleeping on this slightly stiff bed. It's a good thing that I have money that I've been saving up, I could buy some comfortable blankets or at least a comforter set to help make the bed less painful.

I stretched my limbs, letting soft yawns escape my mouth before getting up to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. I leave my dorm and make my way down the hall to the bathroom. Upon arrival, my eyes widened as I noticed how massive the space was. There were several rows of stalls as well as a few larger ones that I assume were the showers. I stared in awe before walking towards the sinks and placing my things down. Light happy chatter came from around the corner of the bathroom stalls, I didn't pay any attention to their conversation as I began to brush my teeth. I washed my face afterwards and stared at myself. I had slight bags under my eyes and a look of jet lag. As I brushed my hair, the door swung opened and Kat walked in, she greeted me with a smile and stood next to me.

"Goood, morning Y/n." she sang. She seemed very cheery this morning. "Are you ready to go shopping today?" I had forgotten about that, I didn't want to back out really, the idea of wearing something different than my usual attire interested me. In all honesty, I have never worn pants before.

"I'm excited for today." I replied with an honest smile. She flashed one back.

"Alright, go get ready, I need to shower first." She walked towards the showers and I collected my things and went back to my dorm. I rummaged through all the clothes I brought with me here, they mainly consisted of dark brown, white, and sky blue ankle length skirts, white under garments, white socks, another pair of appropriate shoes aside from the ones I wore yesterday, one white and one blue cardigan, and a few white long sleeved shirts. I frowned when I realized just how plain and boring my clothes were. It is definitely time for a change in color, I just hope that Kat doesn't go too overboard with the selection of clothing. Nevertheless, I picked out the sky blue skirt and the white long sleeved shirt. I then pulled my y/h/l up into a modest bun.

While I was getting ready, I noticed a telephone hidden in a drawer of the nightstand beside my bed. I pulled it out and placed it down. There was a phone number on the inside of the handle and it said "Use for speaking with Family or friends only." It wasn't a home phone, so the calls wouldn't be heard by any other phones in the building if someone where to eavesdrop. I wrote down the number in this little book that I had in case I needed it. I finished getting ready, grabbed my bag with my wallet, the little book, the room key, and my rosary. I walked next door to Kat's room and knocked.

"Come in!" She called out and I opened the door to let myself in. She was sitting in front of the night stand, back facing me, applying thick layers of black eyeliner in front of a mirror. Familiar music was blaring throughout the room. If I remember correctly, this was one of her favorite bands, The Cure. I took a few steps toward her and she turned to me, eyes ringed in black, skin pale as ever, however, this time her lips were a deep maroon color.

"How do I look?" She asked. I raised my eyebrows, not really knowing how to comment. The make up compliments her fairness though.

"You look great." I stated with a warm smile. She got up and grabbed a black satchel, turned off the music and grabbed her room key. "Alright, let's go"


After walking for 20 minutes, we reached a store with blacked out windows and a purple neon sign above the doors. I didn't have time to read the name of the place as Kat grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the doors. A large whiff of something hit my nostrils and I almost choked. Kat noticed my disgusted expression and laughed as we walked in a bit further.

"Don't worry, the smell is from the incense, they burn dragon's blood for purification." She halted at a specific rack that was filled with black clothing. "It's part of whatever witchcraft they do to ward off bad spirits." My eyes widened at the mention of witchcraft. Kat noticed my worried expression and reassured me that it's nothing scary and that they're good people. I just never realized that witchcraft was something real and practiced. I was amazed that people could practice it like nothing, let alone talk about it so openly.

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