These Three Things

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After Josh helped me clean up the smeared makeup on my face, we went back down stairs.

"It'll be okay." He reassured me as he pointed me towards the back door. I could see through the glass that Peter was still there on the patio, crying.

I dropped my gaze to the floor as I quietly opened the door.

"Peter?" I said softly. He snapped his head up and looked at me with his bloodshot teary eyes, it's like they weren't green anymore, but black.

"Oh, y/n." He began, sorrow filling his voice . "I'm so so sorry, for everything. No amount of apologies could ever take away the pain you've endured. But I swear I didn't mean for any of it to happen, I-"

"I know, Peter." I said, cutting him off. "Josh explained everything." I sat down in the chair next to him and placed a hand on top of his.

"I swear, I never intended on doing anything that would hurt you, I wasn't myself during that time and I ended up doing something I completely regretted, I hurt the one person I care so much about. I hope that you could at least forgive me." He said quietly. A tear fell down my cheek.

"Oh, Peter." I said. "I don't think I could ever forget what you did-"

"I understand if you never want to see me again." He interjected. "I'd break up with me too." He laughed at his last remark.

"Peter," I began.

"But you're right, you gave me everything, every bit of you and I threw it all away so carelessly." He continued. "I just wish I could take it all back to fix this."


"I messed everything up and I broke your heart, and I am so incredibly sorry, from the bottom of my heart, I'm so very sorry."

"Peter!" I said a little louder.


"It'll take some time to fully forgive you, but I'm willing to try, so we could move on and put this all behind us." I said.

"We?" He asks, giving me a confused yet hopeful look.

"Yes, 'we'." I confirm with a small smile. "We will put this behind us, so we can move on together."

"So you're saying that you still want to be with me?" He asks, furrowing his brows.

"Yes " I reply, causing Peter to smile.

"I promise to never hurt you ever again. And if I do, you can leave, you can leave me and find someone that will treasure you and treat you way better than I ever could." He stated.

"I don't want anyone else." I said. "I only want you, Peter."

He smiled, still teary eyed. "I love you, y/n. I love you so much."

"I love you, Peter." I said before kissing him.

I've missed his touch so much, I've missed the way his lips felt against mine, the way his hands would cup my cheeks to deepen the kiss. I missed him.

We pulled away after a few second and he rested his forehead against mine and smiled widely.

"God, I missed you so much." He admitted. "So much has changed since I left."

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"I love your hair, by the way." He stated. "I'm guessing it was Kat's idea?"

"Yeah, she picked the color." I said, playing with a strand of my hair.

"It looks amazing on you. You have a new tattoo as well, I see. Another one of Kat's ideas?" He chuckled weakly.

"No, I picked it." Showing him the tattoo.

"Die with me." He read as he looked at my arm, tracing his fingers around the skin that was still healing. "Sounds deep."

"It was something I had stuck in my head." I stated.

"Its beautiful." He voiced, rubbing my arm with his thumb as he studied the tattoo.

"Thanks." I said with a smile.

We sat there in silence for a while as we held hands. It must be getting super late as the sky grew much darker and the neighborhood became silent.

"Do you want to go back to the party?" I asked after a while.

"Not really." He sighed. "I'd rather stay out here with you."

"Well, I'm getting pretty cold." I confessed. "We could go up to the guest bedroom and relax?"

"Alright." He smiled before getting up and letting me lead him upstairs to the room.

On our way through the house I noticed that Sal and Kenny were knocked out on the couch and Kat and Josh were missing. They must be in his room then.

We walk into the room and Peter plops down on the bed and sighs. I lay down next to him and he pulls me in closer to cuddle me.

"You mean the absolute world to me, I know I don't deserve you one bit, but I'm sure as hell glad that I have you in my life." He whispers in my ear. I blush at his words and turn around to face him.

"It is I, who doesn't deserve you." I say quietly, kissing his nose.

"No," he says. "You deserve the world and everything it has to offer, you deserve so much love and kindness."

"Peter." I say, blushing a bit.

"What?" He chuckles. "It's true. You deserve so much more. You're an incredibly amazing, strong, and loving woman, and I promise to treat you like the queen you are. From here on out, I am your servent."

I giggle at his words and kiss his lips. "You're one hell of a man, Peter Steele.

"And you're one hell of a woman, Y/f/n." He replied back with a grin. "A woman I would want nothing more than to spend eternity with."

"Eternity?" I repeat. "An eternity with you wouldn't be enough, not even eons."

Peter chuckles. "No matter how much time we have together, I will cherish every moment of it, and I will cherish every bit of you."

"I will do the same." I smiled.

"I love you, y/n. I always will." Peter said.

"I love you more, Peter." I said before we fell asleep in each others arms.

The End.

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