Die With Me

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"Hey, wake up." Kat said as she lightly poked my cheek. I groaned and squinted my eyes at her.

"Whaat?" I said a bit irritated.

"C'mon, get dressed, I'm taking you out on the town."

"For what?" I asked grumpily as I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. I look at the clock to see that it's after 7 a.m. We've been here in Josh's house for weeks now and this is the first time she's woken me up so early.

"It's time for a make over." Kat replied with a sly grin.

I rolled my eyes and did as she said. After 30 minutes of getting ready, I made my way down stairs to find Kat sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in one hand and a magazine in the other.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded and followed her out to the car.

"So, why are we doing this again?" I asked, flipping through the radio stations.

"Well, you're already a mega babe, but a few changed here and there wouldn't hurt."

"What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"I'm going to take you to get your hair done, and maybe a new tattoo, if you're up for it." She replied.

"What do you have in mind for my hair?"

Kat hummed as she thought about it for a second. "I was thinking a dark emerald green"

I thought about it. Emerald green hair? Would that look good on me? It would be quite a change, I've never colored my hair in any way before.

"Alright...let's do it." I said excitedly.


We make it to a salon a few minutes later. We enter and Kat talks to one of the ladies and tells her what color to do my hair.

I began to grow extremely anxious as I sat down in the chair. The hairdresser began to mix this light blue substance in a bowl with a brush.

"What's that?" I asked. I've never seen whatever that is before.

"Bleach." She stated.

"Bleach?" I repeated.

"Yeah, to lift the color in your hair to make it much lighter. This way when I lay down the actual color, it'll look vibrant." She explained.

"Oh." Was all I said.

The bleaching process was interesting, but also incredibly uncomfortable.

"Don't touch!" Kat said as she swatted my hand away from my head.

"But it burns and itches." I whined, making a pouty face.

"Yeah, well pain is beauty." She laughed.


After several hours in the chair, my hair was finally dyed and styled.

"Wow." I said, staring at myself in the mirror. I touched the ends of my hair, staring in disbelief.

"You look amazing!" Kat exclaimed with glee as she stood behind me. "Guys on the street won't be able to tear their eyes away from you."

I gave a small smile and let my eyes fall. Peter suddenly went through my mind. He's coming back this weekend after christmas day. The sudden reminder made my heart sink. I've tried my hardest to avoid any and all magazines and t.v. shows that are sure to mention Type O Negative and Peter. I didn't want to know anymore about what was going on with him and what he was doing. But I know he's tried contacting me.

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