Green Man

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It was the 25th of July and Peter and I were about to go on our fourth date.

Ever since Peter came back from the short tour and our first date two weeks ago, we've been making the effort to see each other as much as we can whenever he was free.

On our second date, Peter took me to the Statue of Liberty and to lunch, on the third date we had a day at the beach. But, today we're going to the theaters to watch Batman Returns. I hadn't seen the first one, but I've heard that you dont really need to. The film had been out in theaters for over a month and I've heard so many great things about it.

I rushed out of my dorm with my bag in one hand and waving goodbye to Kat with the other.

"Have fun!" She called out to me before I turned the corner to the stairs. I made it down stairs and opened the front door to see Peter standing there with that gorgeous grin of his.

"You look amazing." He said, eyeing me up and down. I blushed and thanked him. A few days ago Kat and I had gone shopping again, she said I needed new clothes if Peter and I were going to go on frequent dates. I agreed with her since I've grown to love the gothic fashion and the music. The clothes I came to this school with were so plain and boring, I can't believe I've spent my whole life dressing that way. It's like the clothing I was forced to wear since I was a child was a way to suppress me from branching out as my own person, to prevent me from expressing myself in any way. It's like a prison uniform. But, wearing these new clothes has been liberating in so many ways. It's like I'm transforming into a new person, it's amazing, I've never felt so free in my life before. Being controlled by my parents and their religious views for so many years had affected me so much mentally and emotionally.

We made it to the theatre and quickly got out of the car. Peter took my hand and I instantly felt a rush of butterflies flutter within me. I swear, these feelings intensify the more I spend time with him.

As we entered the theater, we noticed that not much people were there to see the film, the first 4 rows were barely even full and the back rows were all empty. I followed Peter up the stairs to the very last row to sit in the center of it.


It had been a good hour into the film when I noticed how handsy Peter began to get. It started with him placing his arm around my shoulders, then he placed the other hand on my thigh, before progressively trailing that hand up my body to my cheek to turn my face to look as his. He looked to have a glint of passion in his beautiful green eyes, I couldn't do much but stare back into them. Our faces were so close together that I could feel his breath on my lips, the tingling urge within me rattled me and I couldn't take it. So, I closed the space between us without thinking.

The moment my lips touched his my body relaxed and my nerves melted away. His lips hungrily attacked mine with heated passion as he placed a delicate hand on my cheek. His tongue asking for permission to explore. I was hesitant to oblige, but Peter was so full with lust and passion that he quietly lifted me onto his lap. I gasped at his sudden action and he cautiously slid his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance during our sloppy, heated kissing. His hands rested on my butt and my hands rested on his broad shoulders.

His lips left my mouth and trailed down to my neck. I gritted my teeth and I tried to conceal small moans, but to no avail, I couldn't help it, the sensations felt too good. His grasp on my butt tightened which caused my body to jerk forward a bit, I let out an unexpected moan as I did so.

Thankfully there was barely anyone in the theater and the movie was so loud, no one noticed us.

In the midst of our heated make out session, Peter thrusted his hips up slightly to hold me closer to him. As he did this I felt a strange bulge press up against my private area. I gasped as I suddenly realized what it was.

Blushing profusely, although Peter couldn't see it in the darkness, I stopped kissing him. Peter, breathing heavily opened his eyes and looked up at me worriedly.

"D-did I do something wrong?" He asked with concern filling his voice as he looked at my slightly frightened face.

I shyly shook my head 'no' before getting off of Peter and sitting back in my seat.


The car ride back to the dorms was sat in silence, awkward silence. I couldn't get the earlier events out of my head. It was really eating away at me because the more I though about it, the more I remembered the feeling of Peter against my private area. It was worse that as I thought about it, my body could feel it happening all over again. I clenched my thighs tighter together as I reposition myself in the passenger seat.

Peter parked in the same spot in front of the dorms and we exited the car. He walked me to the front door and stopped behind me as I turned around to face him. The awkward silence growing more awkward and unbearable by the second.

"T-thank you for today." I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"You're welcome." Peter replied as he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to conceal the fact that he was blushing a bit.

I was about to say goodnight when Peter spoke up.

"Look I'm really sorry....if I did something to upset you."

I stood there stunned, not sure how this will play out.

"I-I'm not upset." I replied before he could further say anything.

"Oh..then why-?"

"I was just, um...I got embarrassed." I said cutting him off mid sentence. "W-when you pulled me closer I...felt something press against me." I finally said, my cheeks burning red.

"Oh." Peter said, realizing what I meant. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't contain myself. I mean, I so desperately wanted to kiss you and when I did I wanted more and I lost control and.."

It was kinda funny and cute to see how frantically Peter was apologizing and explaining himself. I should apologize myself too, I mean, it's not completely his fault.

"Peter." I said, trying to grab his attention.

"Yes?" He replied, the blush on his cheeks growing pinker by the minute.

"I should be the one apologizing, I mean, I overreacted on the whole thing. I just freaked out because this is all a first for me and I didnt know how to react. I'm sorry."

Peter didnt say anything, he just smiled and pulled me into a bone crushing, yet gentle hug.

"I promise to take things slower." He said, lifting me off the ground with ease to hug me more securely. "Anything to make you feel more comfortable, I will do."

"Thank you." I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey, um...The band's throwing a party next Saturday at my place, would you want to come along? You could bring Kat, she likes Josh, right? I could introduce them if she'd like." Peter said.

"Yeah, that would be great!" I replied excitedly.


We said our goodnights and I returned back to my room, Kat was still awake and we stayed up talking about my date and I told her about the party. She practically exploded with excitement.

"You better get a good night's sleep, cause we're going shopping tomorrow!" Kat exclaimed.

As I went off to bed I couldn't help but think about what happened today. Taking things slow should help me control myself more.

But the more I think about it, the more I know that this won't work out so well, the urges within me are impatiently waiting to be acted upon. I'm just not mentally ready to do anything about it just yet. But I can worry about this later. Hopefully, by Saturday I'll be able to control my urges.


A/n: hello, sorry for being gone for a month again, I've been hella busy with personal things but I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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