Wolf Moon

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I waited until the next day to tell Kat about the phone call with Peter and how he asked me out on a date. Lord knows I needed time to fully process everything since I still can't believe it. Was he really interested in me? I can't possibly wrap my head around this thought. Peter is way more attractive than any man I've ever seen before and he could definitely have a super model as a girlfriend if he wanted to. There is no way that he could possibly find me attractive in anyway, I'm just... me.

I let out a heavy sigh and got out of bed to change. Kat has more places she wants to take me today as we continue our adventure in the big city.


"HE WHAT?!" Kat exclaimed in total disbelief.

"He asked me out on a date." I repeated. She stared at me with wide eyed, eyebrows raised, mouth agape in complete shock. It was quite hilarious honestly, I've never seen her that happy before.

"Please tell me you said yes!" She screeched in excitement, I couldn't help but laugh at her reactions.

"Yes, I accepted." Kat let out the loudest scream while jumping joyfully, frightening several passersby in the park as we walked down a semi-crowded path.

"Wow, Y/n, you lucky fucking girl. I can't believe this is all happening! Makes me wish Josh noticed me the way Peter noticed you." She sighed with dreamy eyes, probably thinking about Josh. "But dude! Peter Fucking Steele, the ideal goth hunk boyfriend, is interested in you, do you realize how big of a deal this is?!

"I'm not following, Kat." I responded a bit confused.

"Y/n, Peter has been aching for years, I already told you this, remember the big breakup he went through? Of course, he might take things slow with you in case of another potential heartbreak, but he hasn't shown interest in anyone since the breakup and that was years ago. It was all over tabloids of Peter saying that love is just something that ends in heartbreak and painful memories, something he never wanted to be a part of ever again."

"So he's interested in me? Like, he's interested in dating me?" I asked incredibly perplexed.

"By the looks of it, it's a definite yes!" Kat declared with a grin. I let out a puff of air as if the wind was just knocked out of me.

Peter Steele is interested in dating me... me out of all people. The man I had been swooning over for the past week and a half, the man I had the insane luck of meeting a few days ago, is interested in ME. The butterflies in my stomach began to flutter rapidly as the though flooded my mind as well as the memory of the dream I had about him. Is this what love feels like? I have yet to discover what all of this really means. I've never been in a situation quite like this and it has manage to send my mind reeling as well as my heart racing. All of this is making me anxious, but a good type of anxious.

Honestly, if I were to give myself, really give myself over to another person wholeheartedly, I wouldn't mind if the person I'm giving myself and my heart to were Peter. Despite the fact that we only met a few days ago, I could already tell that he was a sensitive and caring man. The way he spoke to me and the way he listened intently showed that he cared about what I had to say. Plus, the way he saved me from that awkward situation with the drunk man, I'm still incredibly thankful for him standing up for me that night, he didn't have to do what he did, but I'm glad he did.

And the way Kat has talked about his recent breakup, it sounded like it was something that left him scarred, broken.

My heart ached at the thought of this, how could someone be so cruel to do this to Peter? From what I've seen so far he's a gentle man, a man who doesn't conceal his feelings for the sake of masculinity, a man who. Whoever she was, I hope she knows that she'll never date anyone as amazing as Peter.

Christian Woman  (Peter Steele x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang