2 | City of Love

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AMELIE PERRIN DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE Paris. She didn't want to return to Arrowsmith and she didn't want to have to confront her friends. She didn't want to return to Ebony House and she most importantly did not want to see Karsyn Arsov.

Her cheeks flared bright red at the simple thought of him.

She couldn't face him.

She especially couldn't face his sister, her god-forbid best friend.

After Arrowsmith's end of year closing ceremony, a droning session obligatory for all students, which Amelie had been rebellious about and had not attended, thought now she wished so dearly that she had, she simply fled campus, unable to see the faces of the people whom she loved.

Because she feared if they knew what transpired between Karsyn and her, they'd stop loving her.

She'd listened to Freya rant on and on about how annoying it was to see the faces of the various girls her brother was involved with. God, if she only knew what Amelie had surrendered to Karsyn.

Karsyn Arsov was Arrowsmith's official party boy. With the forever bored expression contrasted with his piercing, knowing blue eyes, he, like his sister, was part of the boarding school's royalty. Girls fell at his feet and he mowed through them like it didn't matter. And Amelie had been foolish enough to make herself one of them.

Amelie didn't know if to be mad at him or herself for the events of that day.

But she'd seen a side of him that people rarely talked about. Hidden under that devil-may-care smile, Karsyn Arsov was brilliant and human.

It was the same reason she was so attached to Freya as a friend. Hidden under the lofty, icy glares, Freya was just a girl like her.

And Karsyn was just a boy.

It was what Amelie tried to tell herself over and over during the summer.

He was just a boy. He was just a boy.

But the simple thought of him made her feel like she was going to erupt into flames and burn.

Maybe she should very much burn.

Because, sure, his sister was just a girl.

But she was also a girl whose anger felt much like trekking through the Himalayas in nothing but a bikini.

And Amelie couldn't start on what it would be like to earn the distaste of her other friends. Mayella would all but mock her as Mayella had always gotten off on mocking her. Raina might stop talking to her and even Juliet, the sweetest of their group, would reveal her nasty side, the one that fed off gossip, the one that could rival Maye's. And Amelie simply wasn't ready to face that.

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