18 | The Hunt

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ANAKIN KNEW THE VOICE ON THE other end of the phone as well as his own.

"Hello, Alexei," came Kirova's drawl as the crime lord greeted him in Russian.

Anakin replied in English. Partly because he was in the presence of Arrowsmith students, partly because he didn't want to speak to Kirova in their shared language. He didn't want to speak to Kirova at all. "What do you want?"

A few glances turned his way at the tone he took. Anakin found he didn't care as much as he should, walking off to a quiet spot near the edge of the woods, pulling up his hood as he went.

When his phone had rung, flashing an unknown number, much like it had this morning when Kirova's associate had called to tell him and Matthew about the crime lord's planned trip to London, Anakin had known it was not another small informant calling.

Matthew had left for London an hour ago, was most likely already there. Anakin had no doubt that Kirova knew this, had no doubt he'd called at this time specifically because he knew Matthew wouldn't be around.

"Watch your tone, boy," Kirova sang, in English now.

Anakin was silent in the shadows, waiting for Kirova to speak, to tell him what horrible thing he inevitably was going to tell him.

"The girl." Anakin wasn't surprised. He clenched his jaw though. "She is in London, no?"

Anakin closed his eyes a fraction. Matthew had mentioned that this morning, his leader's brown eyes betraying worry over Freya Arsov.

Anakin remained silent.

And he wasn't surprised when Kirova shouted suddenly on the other end of the phone. He didn't jump like he used to when he was younger, blood freezing at the older man's angry voice. The hairs on the back of his neck did stand up though.

"I asked you a question, son!" Kirova's shout rang in his ears, clattered against his bones.

His hate was a vibrant presence in his body.

Anakin's hold on the phone tightened. Coldly, he responded, "You already know the answer. Why are you asking me?"

A dry chuckle. Whatever anger had overtaken him two seconds ago had passed and Kirova was now amused with him again.

"I do know. Just like I know our little Matthew is there too. I was simply testing your loyalty, mishka." Anakin almost dropped the phone and crunched it beneath his boot at that. He almost hurled it through the trees where he would never have to see it again.

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