12 | A Dangerous Dance

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"WHERE'S FREYA?" Juliet's muffled, questioning voice came from downstairs as she and the others returned from dinner at last.

"I'm guessing Cyan Hall," was Mayella's loose reply.

"Oh, dear," Amelie heard Juliet say in response, a concerned note creeping into her voice.

A sharp knock at her door made Amelie jump.

Amelie had gone to her room not long after Freya went up the stairs. When Freya had finished showering, she'd shown up at Amelie's door to tell her she was going to Cyan Hall. It was clear that she was asking Amelie to advise her on whether she should.

But Amelie couldn't.

So she just nodded and told her, "Good luck."

And when Freya disappeared from her doorway, Amelie questioned her entire existence.

"Uh, hello?" She called, getting up off her bed, and, unwillingly, walking to the door. Of course, she knew who would be standing there. And she would be lying if she said she didn't consider just ignoring Raina's knock.

"You missed dinner," Raina's voice floated through the wood of the door, tone bordering on angry.

When Raina was angry, it was always best to avoid her at all costs, let her stew it out, Amelie had learnt, because you tended to end up on the receiving end of snarky remarks when trying to quell her.

But Amelie couldn't ignore Raina's fury when ignoring Raina was exactly what had caused her ire to begin with.

Hesitatingly, she pulled open the door to a frowning Raina whose dark eyes pinned her in place.

"Where have you been all day?" Raina's arms were crossed.

She and Freya shared the trait of, while being small humans in stature, they also managed to be some of the most threatening people Amelie knew.

"I've been so tired," lied Amelie as Raina unceremoniously slipped into her room to sit atop her bed and fix that accusing stare once more upon Amelie.

Freya hadn't yelled at Amelie, hadn't even frozen her out. It appeared that was a kindness of the universe, preparing her for Raina's sandstorm rage.

"Cut the bullshit, Amelie," said Raina sharply.

Amelie was silent. Guiltily standing in her own doorway like a deer caught in headlights.

She almost glanced in the mirror at her dresser to make sure there was no scarlet letter smeared across her pyjama t-shirt. Upon doing so, there was none, only the cartoonish neon yellow duckling, but that didn't relieve Amelie much.

Hurt danced beneath Raina's dark gaze. Almost as if she knew that, she let a long piece of her wavy, black hair fall into her face, hiding that hurt. But she made her temper known, insisting once more, "Look, there's a reason you dropped off the planet this summer. There's a reason you're avoiding us. And, I heard about French today with Freya, how she didn't sit with you. What's going on? You said you'd tell me, yet I had to hunt you down to even get to you."

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