11 | Nothing Cold

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AMELIE HAD DONE EVERYTHING IN her power to not return to Ebony House until she absolutely had to.

After her last period, she headed to the library, a place she usually didn't care for, and completed all the homework she'd been given for the day. This unusual behaviour on her part was solely because she didn't want to face Freya. Because French had been a disaster, leaving her incredibly remorseful for the day. And Freya had a bad day too, according to the gossip mill.

So the last thing either of them needed was to have to deal with each other.

When Amelie had heard, she'd been chatting with a group of girls from the other dorms and their eyes had all but sliced her open as they told her of the incident, demanding more explanations for Karsyn's behaviour, more information about Freya and Julian, and what she knew about the new boys, Anakin Graves and Matthew al Nassar. Amelie had told them she didn't know anything, which was a lie.

Julian and Freya were broken up. This Amelie could guess alone from her friend's body language, and by her guess, it had been since the beginning of the summer. She also had her guesses why, though Freya hadn't told her.

Freya hadn't told her things this summer because Amelie didn't give her the opportunity to and now she might never tell her anything at all.

Amelie even understood why Karsyn had acted the way he acted, why he was so protective when it came to Freya. She'd spotted him, ducking into the male's restroom a while after, cheeks aflame, hands fisted.

Part of her wondered if she should comfort him, another part knew that the last thing the rumour mill needed today was news of her dipping into the boy's restroom after Karsyn Arsov.

Amelie had promised to explain things to Raina, but again, she didn't know whether she would tell the truth or not.

She felt as though she was spiralling entirely out of control.

It was only when the librarian walked past her in the mostly empty library and told her it was time to go, that Amelie decided she was not going to be able to tell Raina or anyone the truth so she might as well avoid them for the time being.

Outside, the compound was dark, the sky lit by stars. It was about six-thirty though Amelie's phone had died since four and her charger was in Ebony House and she had refused to go back to avoid any run-ins.

The grounds were empty, all of the students would be at dinner. Amelie could skip dinner, just so she didn't have to sit with Raina or Freya. They had protein bars and chips back at Ebony House and while it wasn't the hot, actually tasty meals from the dining hall, Amelie would suffice. She'd grab what she needed while all of her friends were at dinner and disappear in her room, her room where she'd started this mess, and not face any of them.

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