34 | Risk and Reward

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HELENA SAT WITH HER KNEES UP TO HER CHEST in her dorm. Her large comforter was amiss around her, a pillow held to her chest as Ivy sat at her desk, foot propped on the desk, painting her toes in Dior polish.

The twins from the year below them, Giana and Fiona, were on Ivy's bed, scrolling through socials on their sparkly encased phones.

Helena quite wanted to be alone, but the twins never shut up, and Ivy was even worse.

"Lena," blabbered her dorm mate, pulling her foot off Helena's desk at last. Even that small act didn't relieve Helena's nerves as Ivy had chosen to call her by that insolent nickname. "What are you going to do about Freya crashing your party?"

Freya Arsov was the last thing Helena wanted to think about now.

She'd woken to an empty bed and a head full of memories of the night before which left her speechless.

"It's all over Instagram," said Giana一 or was it Fiona? Both twins had straw-like blonde hair and often wore thick headbands adorned with gemstones. Helena usually relied on their headbands being differently coloured to tell them apart. Alas, today their hair fell loose around their shoulders, framing identical faces with green eyes.

"Earth to Helena," sparked Ivy, sitting up and snapping her fingers in Helena's face.

Helena's patience wore thin and she physically restrained herself from biting Ivy.

"Didn't you hear what Giana said?" demanded Ivy. Ah, it had been Giana who spoke. "Everyone posted Arsov in her angel costume on their stories. Hashtag avenging angel? Like, what the fuck does that even mean?"

"It's because you uninvited her," piped up Fiona.

"She's not even tall enough to be a Victoria's Secret Angel," remarked Giana, wrinkling her nose. Giana wasn't much taller than Freya either, but Helena said nothing.

If she spoke, she might just shout at all of them to get out of her face, then she might just walk out of Gretchen Cottage, right over to Ebony House.

"You shouldn't have uninvited her," said Fiona once again. "She was bound to react."

"Lena had to kick her off the list," snapped Ivy defensively. "Freya stole Matthew from her."

The twins nodded, like that made absolute sense. And to Helena, in the moment, it had made absolute sense. She'd set her eyes on Matthew al Nassar the minute he'd walked onto campus. Tall, dark-haired, golden-eyed, with old oil money at his back.

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