48 | Ghosts

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EVERYONE HAD GHOSTS THEY CARRIED WITH THEM. And they all dealt with them differently.

As for Saiid al Hassan, he was a caricature of put-togetherness, golden and shining. But he was coming apart at the seams, right before his sister's eyes and Matthew was there to witness it. Layer by layer, his perfection peeled away until Matthew saw what was underneath. Fear.

They were now sat in the sitting room of his suite, a pretty chandelier draped down between them and an empty fireplace to their left. Saiid sat alone on the chaise facing Matthew and Raina and he was swiping a hand through his neatly combed black hair, expression a barely-concealed wince.

His eyes flicked to Matthew, suspicion was there that hadn't been before. He looked back to Raina, who studied every inch of her brother with an analytical eye.

At last, Saiid spoke, "How do you know that name, Nuri?"

Raina bristled a tad at the nickname. Matthew let her answer. After all, he was here for Anakin. His thoughts were wrought with his friend's flashing green gaze and never properly combed sandy hair.

The first time Anakin had come to them, he'd been shuddering, soaked from the rain, eyes blazing and hood pulled over his head. "Are you Matthew al Nassar?"

Matthew and Gray, who'd flown down the spiral staircase of the warehouse, weapons at ready, to see to the incessant, loud banging at the door, shared a glance as they faced this young boy with natural disasters in his eyes.

The rest was history. Somehow, Anakin Graves has become more than someone who shared a deep hatred for Andre Kirova with Matthew. He'd become family.

Speaking of family, Raina said to her brother, "You didn't answer my question."

Saiid pursed his lip. "You shouldn't be here, Raina." His tone was that of an adult scolding a child.

Raina looked like she wanted to tell her brother exactly what he could do with his warnings— or more specifically, where he could shove it. So, Matthew intervened, if only to save Saiid al Hassan from his sister's unholy wrath.

"Has Kirova threatened you?" Matthew cut in.

Saiid looked to him then, eyebrow lifted. "Why are you here? With my sister?"

A loose little, incredulous laugh slipped from Raina. "It's not what you think, ya khara."

Saiid narrowed his eyes, a little disbelieving. Then, he remarked, "Then why is he here?"

"He's dating Freya Arsov, you imbecile," snapped Raina.

Matthew studied the withering glare the girl reserved for her brother who didn't even flinch and decided to cut in before Raina al Hassan set the suite on fire with her stare. "Kirova has threatened me as well. I'm trying to stop him," explained Matthew. "I can help you, if you let me. Let me help you. Please."

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