26 | Two Truths, One Lie

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" sputtered Amelie, eyes wide.

Freya glanced sideways at her as they walked across the morning-damp grounds of the compound. The few students that they encountered, on their way to breakfast, curiously glanced their way as they passed. Mostly because Amelie drew their attention with her open-mouthed expression as she padded beside Freya, or because they were wondering why exactly Freya Arsov was not yet in uniform, looking for a bit of information they could use to spark up the rumour mill.

She ignored their attention as she always did, keeping her gaze forward or on Amelie.

No one had seen her arrive with Matthew. The car park had been empty, a small mercy she could only be thankful for.

It wasn't that she didn't want to be seen with him. It was just that she didn't want to complicate an already odd situation with the gossip and opinions of her particularly predatory classmates. Besides, Freya herself doesn't know what yet to make of her and Matthew.

She had woken up this morning with his arm draped over her. It hadn't been there when they'd fallen asleep. In fact, there'd been a pillow between them, a wordless agreement they'd come to after Freya had washed the paint from her skin and chased the flush from her cheeks and finally came to bed.

She would've gone all the way with him yesterday. But then the phone had sounded and she was suddenly afraid. She couldn't explain it and he didn't ask her to, which made her thankful.

Yet, this morning, under the warmth of his embrace, she'd snuggled in closer.

Ebony House's familiar brown stones and large glass-paned windows swam into view. The sight of its walls clapped away her thoughts and comforted her somewhat, much like Persephone's seats did.

Freya glanced over her shoulder at Amelie "I'm not stupid, Amelie," she said simply.

Her friend's face flickered, guilt fanning like a wildfire behind her chestnut brown eyes.

They were now standing on the front steps of Ebony House. Freya's stomach was a series of knots at the thought of doing what she'd been planning to do. Tell the truth.

"I'm sorry," Amelie said, taking a step back, to stand on the step below Freya's, eyes wide and hurt.

Freya knew that there was still ice between them, still a hole that had formed during the summer. But she also knew that theirs was a friendship that didn't just break. Even if Amelie had been lying to her. Even if Freya has been lying to all of them.

Softly, she said to Amelie, "You could have told me."

Amelie bit her lower lip, eyes darting away before coming back to rest upon Freya. "Could I really?" She asked.

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