49 | Devil May Care

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MAYELLA DIDN'T KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING. Which was a new concept for her, a girl who tended to hold complete and utter control over every aspect of her life.

Grayson switched off the car and turned to her as they settled on the side of the road, the warehouse looming over them.

"Why are you here?" He asked. There wasn't a smile, or even a smirk, in his voice— it was so unusual to behold. He was filled to the brim with a rage that wasn't reserved for her.

Maye fiddled with the Tiffany ring on her finger. She wasn't sure why she was here, just that there had been worry in Freya's eyes when she'd entered the kitchen and that had sparked worry in her heart. Though, she knew her heart shouldn't be involved in matters concerning Grayson Winchester, it somehow was involved anyway.

And the burn of his gaze wasn't the type she'd grown to like, the one that slinked down her figure before his lips met hers. This was unfiltered fury that stemmed from something more vast than what they shared in a bedroom, if they shared anything at all.

His knuckles were tight upon the wheel of the Rolls Royce. Matthew's Rolls Royce, if the cheeky post Freya had tagged her in was any indication. Now, her notifs were blowing up with questions about the boy in Freya Arsov's Instagram story.

That's what she got for being friends with a socialite. But Freya had rarely posted on social media since all of this started and the fact that she'd posted Gray meant that she'd felt comfortable enough to do that— so Maye wasn't too angry— though she would still chew off Freya's head later just for the sake of it.

It was a shame all that was comforting in the world seemed that have exploded in their faces hours later. And Grayson was an explosion waiting to happen in that moment. All Maye could do was try to figure out how he'd explode.

"Where did you two go?" Maye asked.

Gray didn't let go of the wheel. "Why are you here, Mayella?"

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