32 | Straight to Hell

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RAINA'S EVER-OBSERVANT, DARK EYES never seemed to leave him.

So Anakin kept his face perfectly neutral as he read Matthew's texts.

"What is it?" She asked, at last, finding herself unable to read him. But hell, did she try. She was persistent.

He'd come to mildly admire the trait. Perhaps, it was because she was holding secrets over his head and had somehow decided not to drop them. Such a thing tended to make one appreciative.

Anakin switched his phone off and returned it to his pocket in an easy movement, looking to her, dressed in black and gold like some sort of ancient queen. The blue pigment painting her eyelids made her dark chocolate brown gaze seem never-ending, compelling in a way that forced Anakin to glance away. He focused on the wall behind her head, a trick he'd learnt when he was younger and could not bear to look Kirova in the eyes.

"She found him," said Anakin, keeping a frown from his face. But he did want to frown. His disapproval was a tidal wave within him.

Raina blinked, then nodded. "Okay," she said. She tilted her chin back at him. "Go on."

Anakin would've smiled if he wasn't agonising over Matthew roping Freya into this dangerous game without giving her all the information. All of his secrets.

Raina, indeed, was persistent, dark eyes burning into his, knowing all too well by now that Anakin only ever gave half-truths.

He couldn't look away now, and even if he did, he knew she'd just cast that stare back into his. "They got it. And now, I believe she's leaving with him and Grayson."

Raina looked, as always, slightly irate that Anakin did not provide more information. But in this case, there wasn't any more information he could give her anyway. The messages from Matthew were fairly brief.

"And you're going too?" Raina inquired.

Anakin wondered why she would ask. Of course, he was going. He didn't want to spend a second longer in this party.

Then, he recalled her face as the pirate boy with curly hair had stumbled from the room. She probably didn't want to be here any longer either.

He was saved from answering by the furious click of heels on marble and a gasped, "Raina!"

They both turned as Amelie Perrin crested to a corner, her feather headpiece between her hands. She flew at Raina in a hug as though they hadn't seen each other in years rather than a few hours. He would never understand the obsession with hugs. Her lipstick from earlier seemed to have wholly disappeared and as Karsyn appeared after her, Anakin understood.

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