37 | Moscow Rules

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WHEN MORNING CAME, IT WAS FREYA WHO DRIFTED awake first. She'd realised that this came to be the common occurrence whenever she woke in Matthew's bed. She did not object to it, though.

For it allowed her a silent moment to consider him as he slept.

The sky outside was grey because it was still London, but some yellow streaked across as shy morning light filtered into the windows, colouring across his brow. She rested her chin on his strong chest as she looked up at him. He looked peaceful.

She was careful then, as she rolled out of his arms and from his black bedsheets and tiptoed, with a stray comforter wound around her bare skin to the bathroom. Her chest was light as she met her own eyes in the mirror and found herself smiling back. Pale blonde hair was wild around her face, her lips a little dark from the one thousand and one kisses of the night before, and her eyes were as bright as sunlight.

She did quick work of tidying herself somewhat for her stomach was growling. It was Monday but neither of them seemed to be in any rush to get back to Arrowsmith which meant that Freya would have to secure breakfast by some means other than the school's dining hall buffet breakfast.

She stole one of Matthew's shirts which had also become a common occurrence and found her pile of discarded clothes after rinsing her mouth with toothpaste. Not too long after, she threw a glance over her shoulder before threading to the door.

The boy in the bed was hers. She loved the boy in the bed.

Freya smiled to herself before walking out the door, down the hall to the little kitchen area.

However, she paused in the doorway when a pair of green eyes greeted her.

Anakin was already dressed in uniform, Arrowsmith's navy blazer on his shoulders, the tie neat around his neck, so Freya guessed he'd come straight from school. He was sitting at the table, an arm stretched out and hand curled into a fist beside the mug of black coffee he nursed. She tilted her head at him, taking a step into the room.

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