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The woods.

So peaceful, beautiful, mysterious, calming and majestic.

The woods always calmed her. Especially through her hard times, which was about ninty percent of her life.

But unlike anybody else, Genesis had no time to admire such a wonderful scenary. The place that comfort her and gave her peace was the one that gave her so many bad memories.

For three weeks, she has been running through the woods. Certainly, her feet were numb and bruised but that didn't matter to her. All she was focused on was the fact that she had to keep going.

If she stopped, then surely, she would get caught. And that was the last thing she needed right now.

A fair maiden running in the woods was certainly disgraceful, and bare footed none the less. Surely all the Misters and Madams would die to see sweet little Genesis like this.

So caught up in her own thoughts, she didn't realize that she was entering claimed land. The one said to be run by the 'night beasts'.

'Its night, no one will notice me' she thought as she continued.

As the moon made its apperance from under a fuffly white cloud, it shined on the fair maden as she hopelessly wondered deeper into her trap.

Blinded by fears and memories, she tripped over a tree branch, scratching her leg in the process. I whimper left her mouth as she grimaced in pain.

'They will surely catch me now' she thought fearfully but, she refused to give up.

She began to crawl and immediately regretted it when a sting came to her palms. She had bruised her palms.

Helpless, she laid against a tree behind her, tears threatening to emerge from her eyes.

"I'm gonna make sure to find that girl, oh and when I do...she'll be sorry."

She shook her head at the torturous memory, sighing in defeat.

They couldn't have reach far. She's been running for quite a long time now.

Exhausted, she decided to fall alseep, despite the consequences that were to come.


Genesis awoke peacefully.

It wasn't the best sleep she's ever had but it was certainly better than the current ones before.

"We're searching for rogues." A voice said from a distance.

Her head whipped around in panic.


Despite the pain, she started to crawl, whimpering with every move she made.

"I hear whimpering! Over there!" A male voice shouts.

"Great." She mumbles, trying to go even faster, but it was no use. They had caught up to her.

"Its a girl this time." A tall man says, stepping in front of her. A group of men appear behind the man, glaring down at her.

Each men were insanely buff and so tall that it made her feel like a mouse compared to them.

'What do these men eat? Yam?' She thought.

"We're taking you to the king." A man says, grabbing her roughly.

She yelps in pain, tears forming in her eyes.

If she knew she would have had an encounter with people who lived on this claimed land, she would have just kept on running or crawling for that matter

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now