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Picture above is Ezra :)

"Here are the maid clothes to which you should wear." Ezra says, entering her room unexpectedly

Genesis squeals in surprise, waking up to the sound of his deep vibrating voice.

"Suppose I was n-naked?" She asks, placing her hands on her chest. She removes the covers from her body, getting up lazily.

"That wouldn't be a problem for me." He says smugly. "I've only seen you partially naked before. It wouldn't be any different."

"Oh..." she trails off, not sure on how to reply to his comment. She was taken aback by his sudden change in behaviour. It confused her.

"Thank you." She adds, trying not to let his words have that much of an affect on her.

"You are welcome." He says, handing her the clothes. "Have you slept well?"

"Yes." She replies happily.

It had been the first time that Genesis had ever have such a good rest. The bed was very soft and delicate against her caramel skin and the place was quiet, making it easy for her to sleep. In the past, she would have to sleep on cold concrete ground with noise that made it almost impossible to sleep.

A growl leaves King Ezra's mouth before he turns on his heel, heading towards the door.

"You are already late for working as a maid. Hurry up and get those close on." He grumbles coldly before shutting the door.

Genesis was left to her thoughts and curiosity.

Was it something that she had said?

Surely she had upset the king and she wanted to get on his good side. After all, he could just let her back into the woods to continue running in fear.


"Who are you?" A lady asks Genesis, looking her up and down. The lady had pale skin, blonde hair and eyes that were as blue as the ocean.

"I-I'm Genesis." She replies shyly. "I'm the new maid."

"Are you now?" The lady retorts sarcastically. "How come King Ezra didn't tell us about you?"

"I-I don't know..." she says softly, tears beginning to brim at her eyes. "I thought-"

"Oh Rebecca, leave the poor child!" A voice says startling her. "Your scaring her."

"If she says she's a maid then let her be. Maybe King Ezra had no time to introduce her." She adds, appearing between the two.

"Whatever." Rebecca scoffs, walking away.

"Sorry about her. She's just...well, her." The girl chuckles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get your name." Genesis says apolegectically.

"Oh! Silly me." The girl smiles, holding her hand out to her. "I'm Harrieta. The castles head maid."

"It is very nice to meet you." Genesis says politely. "What shall I do as the maid?"

"Straight to the point, I like you." She smiles. "Well, you can start by preparing King Ezra's breakfast. He prefers mash potatoes and a slice of meat with water."

'What a peculiar meal to eat for breakfast' Genesis thought childlishly.

"And after that, you could just wash the dishes and take a break. Is that okay?" Harrieta asks.

"Yes." She replies, already getting to work.

As Genesis prepared the king's meal, she couldn't help but feel the need to make this breakfast extra special for the king. It would make up for whatever she had said or done this morning.

The King's Mate | Starkys Series #1Where stories live. Discover now