Chapter 10.

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Author's Note:

I usually like having a picture so you can get a more visual feel for the chapter but there was nothing too important that needed a picture..

So I just decided I would show you what Arabella's dress looked like in this chapter!

(Picture is on the side or top!)


I have lived with men my whole life. Both my brothers and my father when he was alive. Men with class and dignity for themselves and others around them, but the men sitting in this room are a different story.

So far I've been here for an hour and each of them had at least three bears and a full pack of cigarettes. They were gross, disgusting and cringe worthy. I could not believe how ignorant they are, just by listening to them I could already tell that these were the type of people you do not mess around with. Each person in this house more vulgar than the next. Well, I shouldn't say that.

Liam's girlfriend or whatever she is ended up making an appearance. She was beautiful really, her hair was very long and perfectly curled into brown ringlets. Her skin was flawless not a single imperfection on her face, I would need to ask her later what she uses. Once she came down the boy, Liam seemed to be a lot happier. It still shocked my that she could deal with them all them time and stay with Liam everyday. I've only been here for two days and my head is pounding into a migraine.

So, that left us all sat in the large living room, each of the men putting their input on the conversation as me and Sophia-I think that was her name, sat in silence. I fought the urge to argue back each time they talked about The Ferocious, I really miss home.  I wonder if they ever met my brothers, what if they already met me and I didn't know.

I knew that Seth and Elliot always talked about Savage all the time and how they were the most manipulative out of all, but for some reason I can't place faces with names of who Seth and Elliot were talking about. Even if I had met them before, I am pretty sure I would have remembered them, they seem like the people you don't just forget.

 I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't even realize that everybody had rose from their seats and were making their way ou of them room. Harry was standing above me, from what his annoyed expression spoke, he looked like he was just saying something to me.

"Bella, are you listening to me?" he asked, snapping his fingers in my face, only adding to my irritation.I looked up at him and noticed I was the only one who remained sitting. "We have work we need to do, so you and Sophia are going to go upstairs and hang out there, okay?" he asked.

I stood up and re-adjusted my dress and looked at him, "Why can't we come do work too?" I asked making Sophia gasp and grab the back of Liam's shirt with wide eyes

I looked back over at and saw Harry's eyes darken and his jaw clenched. His fists rounded and he walked closer to me making him tower completely over me. I stepped back in fright, as he breathed down onto me. I felt the whole room go completely silent. Only the sound of his loud breaths and my trembling ones being heard. I backed away completely and let him bask in the satisfaction.

His eyebrows rose and the rest of the boys stood and watched on. He smirked and walked closer to me and leaned down to my ear. His breath lingered there for a minute before raspy voice spoke, "I do not approve of disobedience Arabella, it will stop immediately" he said pulling away from my ear and staring at me, waiting for me to cave.

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