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Jungkook p.o.v

Hi I'm Jeon Jungkook.I am 22 years olds and An Idol but right now I'm just resting in my hometown.Nothing feel so heaven than stay in your parent's house.

Actually mom called me to back to Busan causes she telled me something important was coming.So without no doubt,I decide to back for her reqeust.

Even I'm also still don't know yet what she and my Dad was planning these times but it sound kinda so important will happen soon.

end p.o.v

Early on the morning,there a pair of beautiful long and neat fingertips busyly tidy up his bed.Suddenly was being interrupted by his mom"kookie babyyyy..are you awake alreadyyy.."but that boy just keep silent and smiling over his bubbly mom's voice in the morning.Slowly his mom sitting on the edges of his bed and fondly staring at his beautiful son's face.

Then mom keep praise me"aigoo my beautiful son..why you being so beautiful than me..it's not fair..."whine mom playfully.So I'm just holding back my laughter but just keep smile on her."mom..what's wrong with you..?"asked kook while sitting next to his mom but his mom keep looking at him with such admirable looked.

Suddenly,his mom's phone was ringing when his mom about to tease her son more but she was answer that call."oww..so..j.."without his mom finished her words,eagerly she left to keep discuss something secret with that person on that call.So kookie being all clueless alone there while his doe eyes keep following his mom's movements until faded away from his sights.

Despite kookie still being all blankly alone there,he was mumbling alone"mom..being all busy since yesterday..what really make her being so busy..?".So kookie just keep wondering something in his mind before stepping into bathroom for fresh himself.

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