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When all of them was gathering there,Mr.Park was setting up the table for all of them in the middle of that fancy and neat restaurant specially for both of Jimin and Jungkook's day on that day.Slowly kookie about to avoid himself from being closed next to jimin but Mr.s Park was extremely had an eyes on him and grabbing that's boy soft hand,dragged him next to jimin's side.So when jimin turned aside,he clearly see kookie's big does eyes and fluffy eyes looking back into his eyes innocently.Slowly jimin give a sweetest smile towards the nervous kook.

Then kook just try to hold his nervous by smiling back to him shyly."both of you..could you guys stop being flirtoreously towards each other awhile.."telled jihyun while making both of them sit next to each other by grabbing both of their shoulder and crashed it to each other intentionally.Both of them was head down their face awhile when jihyun said like that and jimin try to be cool and smile to all of them naturally but there's kook still shy with that.

Suddenly jungkook eyes becoming even wide when jimin was grabbing his hand,slowly kookie turning aside and there jimin who already staring at him and smiling sweetly."do you mind it..?"asked jimin gently But kook just nodded his head and turning around his face as he still got shy when jimin shii give him that looked and sweet smile.As times flies so fast until they was finished their discussion while jimin never let go of kook's cold hand but hold into it even tight.

Hence all of them about to leave,there jimin don't want to let go of kook's cold hand."we still don't finished it yet.."telled jimin while one of his hand open up the small box which is having a pair of  same rings on it."ohh.."jungkook just staring into that's rings until jimin snapped his out with caressing his hair."your hair was long.."mumble jimin with smiling courtouesly over it but kook just keep silent and fix his eyes on jimin's sweet eyes smile.

Slowly jimin fix his eyes into jungkook's big doe eyes who already watery seem like about to cry.So jimin was naturally cupped kook's fluffy cheecks and telled him not to cry gently"don't cry..you're eyes too beautifil,I couldn't resist it.."but kook's tears was falling fast wet jimin's hands as he hear that sweet words comes from jimin.

Therefore,jimin just smiling over kook's cute crying and without no doubt he fix his eyes looked into that small box where is their rings still on it."let's wear it..I can't wait anymore.."
telled jimin in serious tones yet sound like sweet one to comfort the cute kookie who still crying.

Despite jimin try comfort the crying kookie but still doesn't go well with that way,so jimin used adult way to comfort their woman from crying."seem like there's no way to make these beautiful one stopped cry..I had to do these.."mumble jimin alone while lean cupping kook's cheecks once again and lean his face closed to kook's face yet kookie still sobbing.So from wanting to tease that boy,jimin end it up with intimated kissed.

Meanwhile junghyun and jihyun who still hiding nearest them who was asked for spying them were looked into each other shockly."they..kisses that way on the crowd..??"mumble jihyun proudly"that's real man jimin.."adding him more but junghyun just smile over his lil bro and talk to himself"I already know it..who's top who's bottom from begining..aigoo kook ah..be strong..".

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