Chapter 1

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"Do you believe in love?"

Alison stared at the interviewer more so stared through her. She pondered the question carefully, wanting to choose the right words. But words weren't enough to express the series of memories flashing through her mind.

She cleared her throat, tightening her grip on the microphone.

"What type of love?"

The interviewer smiled "Why romantic love of course"

Alison sighed, her hand instinctively reaching up to the necklace around her neck. She tenderly traces the silver letters which spelled out the word, Forever.

A fond smile took over her face, her eyes traveled back to the interviewer's, a familiar warmth filling her chest.

"I'm a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason" Alison decided to say.

The interviewer purses her lips "But do you believe in love?"

Alison's eyes glance away, staring off into the cloudless sky, the wind picking up around her. The breeze causing her to shiver slightly. She tightened her jacket around her body, and bit her bottom lip, a sign that she was in deep thought.

"I do"

The interviewer seemed impressed with that answer. She then leaned against the side of the chair she was sitting on.

"And you said you believe everything happens for a reason?"

Alison nods "That is correct"

"Why is that?"

Alison inhaled deeply, her eyes wondering around the open area, taking in her surroundings. Feeling more than lucky that she was sitting here today.

"I believe that someday, everything will make sense" she pauses "Even if life isn't going your way, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason"

The interviewer smiled, a certain tenderness surrounding her. She leaned back in her seat with an impressed expression. Gazing at the blonde in awe.

Ten years ago

"Some family is moving into the house next door" The statement came out more as a question rather than an observation.

Jessica nodded, folding the shirt she had in her hand, and setting it down in a pile neatly.

"Yes dear" Jessica confirmed "The Fields family I believe"

Alison peered through the blinds in her kitchen, watching as the family unloaded from the car. An older women who appeared to be around her mothers she stepped out, she was gorgeous. Next a boy, about an inch taller stepped out as well, he had the same features as the mother.

Lastly a smaller brunette stepped out of the car. Her face covered slightly by her hair. The jeans she wore, hugged her hips in just the right way. And the sweater she wore fit her just in the most adorable fashion.

"They have a daughter"

Jessica placed the shirt she was folding on the couch and walked up behind her sixteen year old daughter, peering out the window as well.

"Seems like they do" she observed "Looks like the have a good lookin boy about your age as well"

Alison stared longingly at the family, her heart plummeting in her chest. So she ignored her mother's words.

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