Chapter 10

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"Mom I'm going out" Alison informed as she rushed down the stairs, slipped her jacket and shoes on.

Jessica followed her daughter starring at her from the threshold. "Where are you going?"

"Emily's going to the doctors to get some tests done, I wanna go with her for support" Alison explained

"She has a mother doesn't she?"

"Like I said" Alison glared at her mother "I'm going to be her support" she stresses

"I don't think she needs your support for a test Alison"

"Well I want to be with her" Alison exclaimed frustratedly, but then her throat dry as she realized what she said. She really hoped her mother didn't catch on to what she said.

"Fine, be back by five your fathers coming home from his business trip and he wants as all to have sinner together" is all she said before wandering back into the kitchen

Alison scoffed to herself as she fixed the collar of her shirt and fumbled with the door handle. Slamming the door behind her she stomped down the drive way on her way to Emily's, because she couldn't drive her car without an adult present.

A hour later all three of these were sitting in the waiting room. Mrs. Fields anxiously bounces her knee up and down, Alison fought the urge to bite her nails, an anxious tic she had picked up over the years. And Emily sat in the middle of them silently staring a head. Her expression was blank, she looked as if she didn't have a care in the world.

Alison subtly reaches down and places her hand on top of Emily's. She watches as a flicker of emotions pass through Emily's eyes at the gentle touch.

Emily glances over at her friend instantly meeting pools of blue. Alison stared at Emily with all the concern and sincerity in the world, hoping that the silent interaction reassured the brunette that she was here for her, and that she wasn't going any where.

Emily nodded more so to her self, and flipped their hands around, lacing hers through the blondes and holding on tightly. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall. But it was no use because the doctor had already called her name.

Alison stayed stayed in the waiting room and watched as Emily followed Pam and her doctor down a hall way.

Emily stripped off her shirt and put on the gown her doctor gave her. She sat on a table as two nurses came in and began hooking her up to a bunch of shit.

"BP is 90/60" The nurse wrote down on her note pad then forced a smile over at Pam "Its a little low, but nothing that can't be fixed"

The nurse then went over to the EKG machine to cheek out her hear rhythm. Her brow furrowed as she looked at the machine. She then began writing stuff down.

"Is everything okay?" Pam asked impatiently

"Yeah of course" Her tone didn't sound convincing "It just doesn't seem the medication we prescribed Emily with is doing much to help the arrhythmia"

Pam tried to stay calm for Emily's sake but the brunette say right through her others stiff demeanor. She knew the women was inwardly freaking out at this point.

"What does that mean?" Pam blurted  grabbing hold of her daughters hand.

"Calm down" The nurse soothes in hopes to calm the frantic mother "I'm going to go get Dr. Adams, he'll explain the severity of the situation better than I"

The nurse smiled once more, then left the room. Leaving the two Fields to sit in silence.

"This is bad isn't it" Emily broke the silence hoping for once her mother would look her in the eye and tell her the truth.

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