Chapter 12

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Emily was confused. She was happy that Alison agreed to be with her no matter what. But she also had this sickening feeling that she was doing the wrong thing. The teen felt as though she was talking Alison down with her.

The blonde shouldn't have to deal with this. Her heart, this was Emily's problem and hers alone. She hates seeing the heart broken looks and pitiful stares she got from people she loved. This wasn't supposed to happen. Her heart wasn't supposedly fail when she was only sixteen years old.

Emily was supposed to be having fun, dribbling a basketball up and down a court, her teammates and family cheering her on. She was supposed to get to be a kid.

But instead, she had to sit on the bench with a failing heart, longing to be able to run up and down that court just like she used too.

Emily stuffed her hands deeper into her pockets as she walked along the side walk. Cutting over into the trail path, which led to her favorite place in the world. She knew she wasn't supposed to be out walking right now, but Emily didn't care. Not one bit.

The brunette walked down the path, waving branches of trees out of her way. Stomping on sticks that were beneath her feet. Breathing in the fresh air which she missed so much. Her heart melted as she saw the rock sitting in the middle of the opening like always.

Emily wandered towards the rock and sat down gently. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the fresh air feeling a sense of calmness she hadn't felt in a long time.

She would've been with Alison right now, but the blonde was out with Noel Khan and Aria Montgomery. Which Emily was not to fond about. But the brunette couldn't stop her.

Emily ended up staying at the rock for a good hour, before she realized the time, her mother would probably freak out if she stayed out any later. And she wasn't in the mood to be yelled at. So she stood up, and stretched her arms hearing a pop as she did so. Then after followed the path home.

Emily walked into her home, only to be greeted by her dog, and glare from her mother. The brunette ignores Pam as she crouched down to scratch behind Stitch's ear.

"I told you to stay in" Pam glared disapprovingly. "I didn't know where you were!"

Emily continues to pet the dogs ear, then eventually glances up to meet her mothers hard gaze. "I wanted to go for a walk"

"I called you three times" Pam shouts, her hands rubbing her temple.

"My phone was off" Emily deadpans not bothering to spare her mother a single glance.

"You are so irresponsible Emily Fields!" Pam flails her arms around angrily "What if something happen? You're heart rate could of spiked up, or...or you could have gotten hurt -"

"Mom would you just stop" Emily finally meets her mothers gaze, staring coldly into the elder women's dark eyes. "I'm sixteen, and my heart is failing, might as well do what I can before it fails completely" she snorts out a half empty laugh

Pam went to open her mouth to say more, but was quickly interrupted by someone loudly clearing their throat. She knew exactly who it was.

It definitely caught Emily's attention, because her gaze shifted onto the person next to her, and her jaw just about dropped. The look on her face was priceless. Pam watched as light filled her daughters eyes, causing her to look like an innocent child on Christmas.

Emily bounces up and squealed "Daddy!" She sprinted forwards crashing her body into his.

Wayne huffed at the impact, instantly reciprocating the hug. He smiled as well as he held his only child close to his chest.

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