Chapter 3

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"What interests you the most about your job?"

Alison crosses her legs over each other, proclaiming a professional stance, her eyes momentarily flickering over to the crowd of reporters watching them.

She clears her throat "I love being able to see the worlds problems from different angles" she pauses, gathering her thoughts, then continues "I know people view the career of journalism as intrusive, but I feel it's necessary to fill the public in on what's exactly happening in our world today"

The interviewer smiled appreciatively and said "And you believe taking on a case as big as this one, is going to change their perspectives on the subject?"

Alison purses her lips, her eyes finally making direct eye contact with the women in front of her "That is correct"

The interviewer hummed "You're speaking from experience?"

Alison's nods in response


After the events of last week happened, Alison had felt unquestionably guilty. The blonde felt bad about suggesting she and Emily should skip class, but she was also angry as well. Because ever since that day, Eli has kept her away from Emily.

Alison had tried to get Emily alone, but that was the problem. The brunette was never alone. Eli was always with her. Alison felt like he was patronizing her.

"Why are you glaring at Eli like he just killed your puppy?" Spencer deadpans

Alison snapped out of her daze and turns to Spencer, who was standing in front of her, her leaning on the lockers.

"Uhm no reason" she muttered out objectively, purposely not showing interest in the subject.

Suddenly Aria brushed passed them bouncing on the balls of her feet earning glares from both Spencer and Alison.

"She's staring at him because she likes him" Aria sang out

Spencer's brow shot up, clearly intrigued at the complete one eighty in the conversation. "This true?" Came her amused tone

Alison was fuming inside, she didn't want to deal with her friends teasing at the moment, even though they meant well.

"No" she hissed slamming her locker causing her two friends to startle. And everyone else in the hall to stare at her. Including those rich brown eyes at the end of the hall. "That is not even close to why I was staring, which I WASN'T"

She then stomped away. Spencer and Aria completely studded and slightly amused at their friend's tantrum.

"Never a dull moment with Alison DiLaurentis" Spencer laughs causing Aris and join her.

Alison ran into the bathroom, half expecting, half hoping that Emily would run after her. But she didn't. So she stared herself in the eyes through the mirror. Breathing in deeply, calming herself just enough to be able to back out and be presentable.

Alison didn't know why she was so intrigued by Emily. The only interactions they've had were mere short. Aside from when they cut class. But something inside her kept telling her to try. Just try harder to get to Emily. Alison vowed then and there, she wasn't going to give up, even if that means she had to kiss Eli's ass.

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