Chapter 6

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It was a Saturday night, Emily and Alison were cuddled up on Emily's bed watching the Notebook. Alison had finally convinced her mother to let her go, and she was more than excited.

She had showed up to Emily's house, with a while back pack full of things they could do.

Emily of course, had rolled her eyes and called her crazy, but she complied nevertheless. Alison had decided they watch a romance, so of course she brought her moms copy of the notebook.

The blonde was currently crying softly into when of Emily's blankets as they watched. Emily would steel glances at her every couple minutes, and grow more amused every time she looked at her.

During one scene, Alison sniffled particularly loud, which broke Emily's resolve and she let out a loud laugh.

Alison snapped her head towards the laughing girl, her cheeks rosey red, and tear marks stained into her face. Her eyes harden

"Why are you laughing at me" She whined, sniffling hard

Emily covered her mouth, refusing to let out another chuckle "It's're crying like someone just killed your puppy"

As soon as those words were said, Stitch, Emily's dog, jumped up on her bed and snuggled into her side. She ran her manicured fingers through his soft fur.

"It's just so romantic and sad" she stutters, then laughs realizing how ridiculous she sounds.

"You're such a baby"

Alison pouted, then leaned her head on Emily's shoulder. Her opposite hand gripping around the brunettes bicep.

"Soo...Noel Khan asked me out on Friday" Alison hesitantly started, she raised her head to gauge Emily's reaction.

"Oh yeah?" The brunettes eyes widened, but she tried not to show it. She felt a weird sting in her chest.

"Yeah.." Ali sighed, her grip on Emily's arm tightening "I'm thinking about going"

"Oh" Emily's mood dropped slightly "You should"

"Really?" Alison was surprised, but if Emily wasn't mistaken, she heard a bit of disappointment in her tone.

"Yes" Emily forced a smile, even though she could feel this weird sensation in her chest, as if all the butterflies had just died.

Alison settles her head back down on Emily's shoulder "Okay"

It was now Monday, the weekend had flown by faster that Emily could even say the word weekend. Alison had gone out with Noel on Friday night, and she had been acting weird ever since.

It was late at night. Emily was laying in the middle of her bed, flat on her back staring mindlessly at the ceiling. Her fingers tapped rhythmically against her stomach. As she wondered what Alison could be doing at the moment.

Her mind then wandered elsewhere. Thinking more deeply about the blonde. And how she had ignored that whenever the Alison would smile, it would warm her chest, or when she laughed, fluttering would be felt in her stomach. And when she smiled at her, Emily couldn't seem to know how to stop blushing.

Her heart sped up just thinking about her. But then she was hit with realization.

There was nothing friendly she felt about Alison, and that wasn't good. She couldn't feel that way about anyone.

Emily quickly sat up in her bed, covering her face with her hands and letting out a frustrated groan.

When she finally got her breathing to calm, she gazed around the room. Her eyes landing on a familiar object falling out of a bag in the corner of her room.

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