Chapter 13

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Alison didn't want to be here. Having all these people watching her. Prying into her personal life. It was unfair. Cruel even.

Had she known it would be like this, she wouldn't of written the article. The article she didn't know would blow up all around the world. Catching people's eyes, intriguing them to the most.

She thought about it long, and hard. But there was no trace of regret in her system. She was honoring an incredible person, one whom made her life worth living. A person that would forever be on her mind no matter what happened.

So no

She didn't regret writing the article. Nor did she regret everything she went through with the very person that was constantly on her mind. She didn't regret a damn thing.

Because everything that happened in the past, made her into the women she was today.

"Alison, would you mind saying grace?" Jessica DiLaurentis offered to her daughter.

The younger blonde placed her hand in her mothers out stretched one, and her opposite hand in her fathers. Even with her eyes closed she could feel the irritation radiating off of Jason.

"Bless us, O, lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive, through Christ our lord Amen" Alison internally rolled her eyes, she didn't believe in the Catholic faith her parents had thrown down her throat since childhood, and neither did her brother. But they both sucked it up and did what made their parents happy. However, they hardly were.

Jason and Alison shared knowing looks through dinner. That was until Jessica spoke up.

"So Alison" she wiped her face with the clothes napkin that sat on her lap "Has anyone boy caught your eye this year?"

Alison's eyes widened at the question. She tried to keep her face as neutral as possible "No I'm surly more focused on my academics at the moment"

Jessica nodded approvingly at her youngest child's statement. She then turned to her husband and said.

"Kenneth did you see that the Montgomery's boy is a homosexual? And how Byron and Ella don't seem to mind at all?"

Kenneth takes a swig of his wine, then grunts in a disgusting manner "Yes it's disgusting"

"Why does it matter who he loves?" Jason snaps glaring at both of his parents

Alison watches the entire exchange in silence. She was scared to speak up in fear she would some how be outed. However she also knew that was impossible. That is, it couldn't be if Jason had seen or heard anything with Emily and herself.

"What's wrong with being gay? He's not bothering you, he's not shoving his sexuality down your throat, so why must you shove your homophobic opinions down his?" Jason challenges his parents. Kenneth looks like he's about to explode.

"Jason" Jessica started lowly "Do you have something to tell us?"

Ken cuts them off as he goes to unbuckle his belt getting ready to pull it off "So help me boy, if you say what I think you're going to..." he was so angry he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"Daddy stop" Alison tries to lessen the thickness in the room. But she was quickly stopped by Jason putting his hand up.

"I'm not gay mom" the blonde boy rolls his eyes "I just think that you guys really need to stop judging people and let them live their lives" he then stands up so fast that his chair scrapes against the floor, then stomps away.

"The nerve of that one" Kenneth grumbles then leaves the table as well. Leaving both Dilaurentis women to sit in silence.

"Please don't be like your brother Alison" Jessica just about cries.

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