Chapter 9

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"While it was heartbreaking" Alison continues loving the warmth she feels thinking about her favorite person. "It was also the best experience in my life"

She could feel her emotions bubbling as she continued to talk about Emily. The blonde wanted to tell the interviewer to stop asking such personal questions, but she was the one who signed for this. So she had to answer.

"This person seems pretty important to you" the women across from her observes

Alison wants to roll her eyes, but she stops herself from furthering her actions.

"She's the most important person in my life"

"Em are you sure you should be running like that?" Alison scrambles to catch up with her friend, concern washed over her features.

Emily ignores her and continues speed walking to the lunch room. She pushes through crowds of people, smirking slightly as she hears Alison groan impatiently behind her. She knew that she was testing the blondes patience, but it amuses her to do so. She continued to ignore her.

"Emily?" Alison reaches out to grave her arm. But the brunette shrugs it off. "You look like my dad when he's running to get in line at the deli"

Emily snickers at that, but she doesn't turn around. As soon as she steps foot in the cafeteria, her eyes shift around the entire room in search for a familiar bubbly blonde whom she was told was going to grace Emily with her presence.

As Emily stopped abruptly, Alison accidentally crashed into her back side. She choose to ignore the tingles she felt as her entire body was pressed up against Emily's back. So she quickly backup and stepped beside her.

"Em?...wh-" She striated off desperately trying to follow the brunettes gaze.

"Emily!" A giddy voice broke out of the large crowd of people. Alison's face creased quizzically as a huge smile crawled onto Emily's face.

A small blonde girl dashed towards Emily, a matching smile on her face with her arms wide open ready to crash into Emily. The brunette slowly walked towards the girl ready to catch her. the girl excitedly threw her arms around Emily's neck hugging her as if she was her life line. Emily closed her eyes as she smelt the familiar aroma of her best friend that she missed dearly. Her arms gripped around her waste bare hugging the girl back.

Alison watched the intimate exchange and a strange feeling twisted in her chest. She didn't like the way this blonde was pressed against Emily. Her chest felt like it was on fire from the amount of jealousy flaring within.

The squealing died down when Emily gripped the girls forearms pulling away from the hug. Hanna reached up and cupped both of Emily's cheeks inspecting her.

"Why didn't you tell me you just got out of the hospital" She scolds lightly slapping the brunettes cheek. "I had to hear it from your mom"

Emily rolls her eyes teasingly however her smile falls into a soft smile.

"Hello?" Hanna impatiently waves her hands "Bitch are you deaf? Answer my question"

Alison was a bit shocked at the cuss words spilling from the mystery blonde mouth, but I'm just continued to smile at the girl unfazed by her out burst.

"I didn't want you to spend your whole flight down here worried" Emily explains

Emily watches as Hanna's brow creases like she's trying to hold back the smile and softened features from showing themselves. She inevitably gives in, popping her dimples for Emily to see.

After a long pregnant pause, Alison was anxiously awaiting to be introduced, she wanted to know who this girl was. Alison was the only person Emily is supposed to be friends with. She thinks there friends? But after that kiss (that's hasn't been talking about) she feels as though their friendship is evolving into more, but neither wanted to admit it.

Where We Left off Yesterday Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora