Chapter 15

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"Mm shut the door"

Emily reaches behind Alison's head and softly closed the door, then delicately pressed the petite blonde back into it. Emily then presses her body into the other girls, relishing in the feeling of being so close to her.

Alison cupped the back of her bronze neck, their lips met delicately at first, but then a stronger passion took over. Emily caressed the side of Alison's jaw, as her free hand rubbed the lower part of the blondes back, eliciting a small groan into Emily's mouth, to which Emily swallowed greedily.

Their kissing had never gotten this far, and neither were complaining. Alison knee this was going far, and she could barley stand on her feet her knees were so weak, so she softly pushed the brunette back, directing them towards the bed. When she knew The back of Emily's knees had touched the bed, Alison planted both hands on her lovers chest and eased her down onto the bed, with her own body landing on top of Emily's.

What she didn't mean to happen, was for her her core to land directly on top of Emily's thigh. She wiggled uncomfortably attempting to get the friction she so desperately needed. Emily watched in awe, her own breathing becoming more ragged as she watched the blonde on top of her bit her lip in pleasure, to something she thinks she's causing.

Alison hunches over, planting her hands on either side of Emily's head, fisting the comforter beneath them.

Emily easily plants her hands on the girls hips, helping her move as fast as Alison's struggling to on her own. A sting of grunts and moans escape the blondes mouth as she feverishly grinds herself down on Emily. She can feel her stomachs began to coil in that amazing way. Her heart gunning, and sweat beads gathering on her forehead. She thrashes her hips wildly.

Emily watches as the blonde reaches her peak, her eyes shut tight, her lip kicked between her teeth, her face flushed pink. It was definitely an incredible sight, she wished never to leave her mind.

As Alison reaches her high, she moans loudly, riding out her orgasm by lazily thrashing against Emily. She then collapses down on Emily in a heap. Trying to calm her beating heart.

They sit in silence until Alison gains control of her breathing again. The blonde then squeaks and covers her furiously blushing face. "Oh my gosh..."

"What?" Emily coos, her brows furrowed

"That was so embarrassing"

"Hey" Emily scooted our from under the blonde and propped herself up on her elbow so that she could look her girl in the eyes. Those blue eyes were swirling with insecurity and shame. Emily places a hand on her cheek, caressing it with the pad of her thumb.

"Do NOT be ashamed Ali" Emily declares,  her eyes boring  into Alison's blue ones. "That... was like incredibly hot" she jokes although there eyes were dark and clouded with lust.

Alison blushes again, but feeling a rush of confidence "Really?" Came the seductive reply


At hearing that Alison straddled Emily again, smashing their bruised lips back together. Emily's chest was rapidly moving, her heart gunning against her rib cage, she was almost afraid it would bust its way out of her. As much as she wanted to continue this, she could feel Alison's hand moving down her body, but she had to stop it. The brunette quickly grabbed her hand with the last bit of strength she had left.

Alison noticed this and turned her attention back to Emily "Are you okay?"

Emily closed her eyes with a slight nod, motioning for the blonde to get off her. Alison did what she asked, her concerned glare becoming stronger by the second "Em—"

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