Chapter 5

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Pam followed Emily as she carelessly stomped towards the car. She watched as the young girl tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. So she gave her mom a look as if to say 'open it'

Pam dug the keys out of her purse and clicked the unblock button. She then walked over to the drivers side and sat in the car. A long pregnant pause fills the space. The older Fields glances over at her daughter, who was gazing out the windows she could practically hear the thoughts racing through her mind.

"Em" Pam drawls out, hoping to get some sort of reaction from her daughter. When she doesn't, she continues "It's going to get better"

She hears Emily scoff, but she wasn't surprised, Pam was expecting it

"It's not" she doesn't even turn away from the window

Pam went to say something, but Emily quickly cut her off

"When will dad be home?"

Pam sighed, she gripped the steering wheel, and let her head fall back against the head rest. "I'm not sure baby"

"Well..." She started knowing her mother was going to slap her for her next words "He better come home, because I'm probably going to die soon"

"Emily Fields!" Pam scolded her, just like Emily had suspected. "How many times do I have to tell you, until you believe me. You are not going to die"

Emily shrugs "Just because you tell me, doesn't mean I believe you"

Pam knows there's no fighting with Emily when she's in one of her moods. So instead of replying, she turns the keys in the ignition starting up the car.

As soon as they entered their home, Emily barged through the door running up the stairs, not even sparing her brother a glance, who was frowning at her.

"Emily not to fast!" Pam calls after her, but of course the girl doesn't reply.

"What's her problem?" Eli squints his eyes

Pam throws her keys on the counter and sits at the kitchen island, her head falling into her hands "It's getting worse"

Eli's heart plummets in his chest, he silently sits next to his mother, covering her hand with his.

Meanwhile Emily walks into her room, closing the door behind her. She wanted to cry, she needed to cry. But no tears fell. She felt horrible for the way she spoke to her mother, but at the moment she didn't care, that was just how she reacted to the unfortunate situation she was in.

The brunette walked over to her bed and screamed into her pillow. But it didn't do anything to easy the weight off her shoulders. So she sat back up and wiped the hair out of her face, then reached for her phone. She then searched through her contacts and hovered over the name she so desperately wanted to call.

Emily wanted to call, she just wanted to hear a familiar voice, that wasn't anyone from her family. But she chickened out and settled for a text instead.


She waited ten minutes until she saw text bubbles pop up. Her heart started to race, for the right reason, instead of the wrong.

Hey stranger ;)

A blissful smile took over Emily's features. She could practically hear the blondes soft voice echoing through her ears.  Emily started to text her again, but a picture popped up. It was a selfie of Alison, the sun gazing down on her causing her blue eyes to shine even more so, her long blonde hair she usually kept in a pony tail was flowing down in beach waves, and the corner her her lips curled in the most adorable smile Emily had ever seen. Then at the bottom of the picture it read look out your window

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