Chapter 14

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Emily watched the basketball game from afar. She could feel her jealously set in as she watched the group of girls play the game effortlessly. Some with Careless smiles across their and others scrunched up in competitiveness.

The brunette longed to be able to be that careless. She longed to be normal. Emily cursed the people who didn't appreciate the small things in life. Like being able to run without going into cardiac arrest. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's the point that they don't.

Although since Alison had came falling into her life. Her Hope seemed to grow. She felt as though she had to be strong for the blonde, she had to be there for her. She wanted to be. She wanted to see her future. She wanted to have her life back.

Emily had a doctors appointment in about ten minutes. So she quickly walked home as fast as her heart would let her. She reached her house just in time to catch her mother picking the front door.

"Emily where have you been?" Pam sighed as she walked towards her car.

Emily opened the passenger side door and slipped into the seat. "I went for a walk"

"We've been over th—"

"I know mom" Emily stoped her "I'm sorry I just needed needed to clear my head" she simply offered

Pam didn't even bother saying anything else to her teenage daughter. She simply turned the key and started up the engine.

The two drove in silence, that was until Pam decided to break it. "Dose Alison know about today?"

Emily stares out the window, watching the trees whip as the drove by them. People were walking along the side walk carelessly. She cleared her throat then turned towards he expectant mother.

"No" she shakes her head "I don't want to tell her until after, I don't wan her worrying about me when she has her own life to worry about"

Pam's sad eyes flashed over towards her daughter "Em, Alison loves you"

"I know she does" the brunette days without missing a beat "And it's going to break her heart"

"Stop pushing her away" Pam says "She wants you, and I know you want her"

Hearing this Emily's head whips towards her mother. Her eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"What?" Her voice barley above a whisper

Pam smiles sweetly at her daughter. Nothing but love and exception glistening in her eyes. "I'm your mother Emily, you should know you can't hide anything from me by now"

Emily feels her emotions beginning to surface. Her vision becoming blurry. "You're not angry?"

Pam's face softened her heart breaking in two as she saw the deep emotion in her daughters eyes. Her eyes welled with tears  now matching Emily's.

"Em" she started then instantly pulling her only child into a hug "I could never be angry about that, you're my daughter, it doesn't matter who you love I just want you to be happy and healthy"

Emily Hughes her mom tight. Her hand fisting the back of Pam's shirt, her eyes misty with tears. Taking the longest sigh of relief. The acceptance her mother granted her was one of the best feelings in the world. Excluding the butterflies she felt with Alison of course.

After a few minutes went by, Emily pulled back from the hug an innocent, but shy smile reflecting back at Pam. One the elder women hand to seen on her daughter in years. Looking into those big brown glossy eyes reminded her of the once, healthily, happy baby girl she missed terribly.

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