Chapter 7

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"I want your honest opinion to the question I'm about to ask" the interviewer eyes Alison warily

Alison straightens her shoulders, ready for any question to be thrown at her.

"I want to go back to your personal view on love" She licks her lips "What I'm getting at is, what do you think love really is?"

Alison gazed at the women I front of her, she knew this interview would be personal, her associates warned her, but she accepted it anyways. So she opened her mouth, giving out a well thought out answer.

"Love is... giving someone the power to destroy you" she starts, tilting her chin up, her eyes wandering the naked blue sky "but trusting them not to"

The women in front of her purses her lips, forming a tight grin. Alison could tell she was intrigued by her reply. "You seem to know a lot about it...have you ever been in love?"

Alison swallowed thickly "Once"

"And your experience?" She pushed

Again, for about the fourth time in the last hour, Alison reaches up and traces the letters of her necklace she received years ago.



Alison spent the following days dwelling on what had happened. She knew she had done the wrong thing by leaving Emily alone. So she was going to make up for her wrongs, and make them right.

Her mind never stopped. Emily was constantly on her mind, but she didn't know why. But the blonde just couldn't stop thinking about her. After spending the day at Emily's house the other day, her concern grew for the girl as she heard the elder Fields tell her daughter to take her 'medication'

Alison didn't know what to think at this point, all she hoped, was that Emily was okay. Because she had just met her, and she wasn't about to loose her.

Her eyes hastily glanced at the clock, her eyes begging the clock to strike twelve pm. Her leg bounced up and down, and her tongue ran across her bottom lip. She gathered up her belongings quickly, just as the bell rang she dashed out of the room.

"Excuse me" Alison hissed shoving people out of her way. As she approached the cafeteria she glanced over at her usual table, where Noel, Spencer, Aria, and Mona sat, then instantly looked away hoping that Noel hadn't seen her. She sauntered to the table in the back, throwing her bag on the empty seat next to Emily.

"You're here...?" It came more as a question rather than a statement"

Alison nodded "I am"

"I thought you and Noel had to get to know each other more" Emily air quoted with a roll of her eyes.

"No" she waved her off, stealing a chip from Emily's lunch, which earned her a look from the brunette "I'd rather be here with you"

Emily's stomach fluttered at Alison's admission. She tried to keep her face platonic, but it was no use, because as soon as the blonde flashes her dimples Emily was a goner.

"It's about time" Emily snorted, causally bitting a piece of her apple, side eyeing the blonde beside her, gauging her reaction. When she saw Alison's face twist in a amusement, she winked playfully eliciting a string of giggles to leave the girls lips.

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