Ch 4- An Advice

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Stretching his hands wide, Karan lazily opened his eyelids amidst the bright sunlight coming in from the window, to look at his alarm clock which was ticking at 6:45.

''Wow Karan you woke up early today"

He self exclaimed smiling lightly at his words releasing a sigh, he shut his eyes whispering to himself

"No bed bath today, ufff glad!!"

Just then water swashed over his face, causing his mouth which was smiling earlier to go wide open. As water dripped out from his face, he removed it around his eyes from his index fingers clearing his vision.


Karan yelled frustrated looking at his mom, who stood staring at him with her eyes wide open. Her eyes not ready to believe it yet, that he woke up all by himself today.

"Who wakes someone who's already awake??"

Karan asked irritated looking at his drenched self, he was so happy that today he had to not undergo a bed shower like everyday but his mom spread water on his thinking and as well as on him.

"Your eyes were closed, I thought you were still asleep, soo"

She replied looking elsewhere, she couldn't admit the fact that she saw nothing and just splashed the water on him presuming he will be sleeping, not minding to check even once if he was awake of asleep.

"Who sleeps while sitting up on the bed??"

Karan asked with an unbelievable look on his face, she bit her tongue looking for a reply.

"It's your mistake, why were you sitting on the bed? I do everything getting up early in the morning, you can't even wake up yourself I have to wake you up, cook for you, pack your tiffin, fill your bottle, keep it in your bag, what all do I do???"

She frowned speaking, turning on an innocent face towards the end, before walking out of his room going downstairs back to the kitchen.

"How is it even related??"

Karan questioned himself looking at her disappearing figure, he was confused would be an understatement.

No matter what, you can never win an argument from your mom. She will always have something up her sleeves to make you give up on the argument, something always emotional and irrelevant of the topic on focus. Something which only she will find relatable, and in under no circumstances you hold a chance to speak against her.

Chucking it knowing well there was no point of thinking about it, he shook his head. Looking at his drenched self he frowned releasing a deep disappointed sigh making his way to the bathroom not before muttering to himself

"Why did I even get up early today?"


"Woww... I love you Mom"

Karan exclaimed hugging his mom from behind who smiled an expected smile, commenting

"I know exactly why this I love you came"

Karan chuckled flashing his entire set of teeth before quickly grabbing the bowl of his favourite potato dish- 'Spiced Potato stir fry', and attacking it with chapathis wasting no moment.

Only dish looking at which he doesn't make an 'ewww'- disgusted face, Paneer's one exception.

Watching her son's love for the potatoes, who was literally shoving big pieces of chapathi inside his mouth, she chuckled keeping the tiffin and bottle in his bag.

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