Ch 10-First day

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Perplexed of the noise, Kanishka tried to step back but unfortunately she tripped on the seat's leg and was about to kiss the ground but before that, Aman caught her preventing her from falling by encircling his both the hands quick around her waist.

Her eyes were shut tightly and creases marred on her forehead in fear of breaking some of her bones owing to this damn fall. Aman was holding her, and watching her she still have her eyes closed as her face expressions changed with every second passed made him smile.

My hands and legs would have been broken by now, maybe I will have to visit hospital now, I wonder how many months I'll be hospitalized for, I'll have to take bitter tablets, eat tasteless food, I've to take injections. Wait, Injections??? Noooo....

Her trance of thoughts come to an abrupt end as soon as the word 'injection' pops up in her mind ringing all the alarms, making her shut eyes go wide open and then turn small finding a pair of cold black orbs stairing right inside her soul.

Lowering her gaze she checked where she was only to find herself in the arms of her biggest nemesis.

Out of all the people, only he had to save me? Her mind questioned, making her look back at him, wanting to yell loud 'Leave me' but when she met his gaze, barely any words made it out of her mouth.

Her heart skipped a bit, it was as if his eyes were hypnotizing her with his gaze making her small figure shiver under his powerful scrutiny.

Buckling herself up, she lowered her eyes, shifting her gaze to the ground she huffed "Leave me you Idioottt".

Aman was quick to avert his gaze, retorting "If I leave you gonna fall and might end up in hell, You sure..?".

His reply was accompanied of a smirk making Kanishka raise one of her eyebrows as she yelled "Pull me up you idiot!! Don't try'na play dumb with me".

Aman chuckled pulling her up. And as soon as she stood on her legs, Aditi came hurriedly enquiring if she was alright.

Karan hid that smile which was crept on his face and keeping his hand across Aman's shoulder whispered with a wink "Oh hooo, hero". Aman  removed his hand rather curtly, and moving his hand on his hair replied "Pehle kon sa heroine tha main..!? (Was I a heroine before..?)"

Karan replied "Jaa na loha (Get lost loha)". Aman Lohani was his full name. However, Karan just to mock him shortened his surname as 'loha' which meant iron in Hindi and therefore whenever he got the chance, he addressed him that, thereby irritating his best friend.

Aman inturn replied "Jaa na Kareena (Get lost Kareena)" Fed up with the constant bugging of being called 'loha', Aman also came up with a nickname which he himself has no idea about how he came up with but surely enjoys calling it, as Karan gets irritated instantly hearing it.

Kanishka was feeling hot all over her face and Aditi understanding her feeling, held her hand as lightly as she could, pressing it gently blinked both of her eyes at her in assurance and only then Kanishka smiled feeling a bit easy.

Releasing a sigh she walked some steps closer to Aman standing right in front of him taking him by a surprise. His one of his eyebrows raised in question hiding behind his nervousness which wondered the reason behind this sudden action of Kanishka.

What? A punishment for saving her? Is she gonna punch me? Or maybe even worst? Hell she can even pull my hairs..!

Aman's eyes widening at every thought which engulfed him, his train of thoughts came to an end when a smile played on her face puzzling him

"Thank you for saving me, I owe you one", Kanishka spoke in the most gentle manner she had ever talked to him, trying hard to maintain a smile on her face saying this.

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