Ch 5- Surprise

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"Good afternoon students! Please take your seat"

Wished back principal sir asking everyone to take seat who were stood greeting him. As everybody sat he began with the announcement he came to inform

"So as you all know every year our school hosts 'The InterSchool Championship', in which 10th standard students participate. But this year looking at the pending syllabus and the boards pressure on them, we have decided that this year 9th standard and that is you guys will participate. I feel our 9th standards are capable enough to get back the trophy again for our school."

Before he could further say anything whole class started celebrating already hooting and howling. But soon it turned pin drop silence when maths sir who stood behind took the stick out from the desk holding it firmly in his hands.

"You haven't won yet!!"

Maths sir said, chuckles could be heard from the back benchers, those were the ones who yelled at the top of their throat earlier and were laughing now. Clearing his throat curbing down the noise, principal sir continued

"This fest is after one week, there are many events, the details of those you will get later on and you can submit your name to your Maths teacher. I am here to tell you about the most important event, the star event which will have 5 top schools participating. The championship event in which every school has to present their team of 4 members. And we have already selected the four students and they are"

Principal sir turned back stretching his hand towards maths sir, who handed over a chit to him. Karan bit his tongue knowing well his name would be there and he was correct the first name was his but listening the entire team name he was shaken up top to bottom.

"Karan, Aman, Kanishka and Aditi"

Mouth hanging open, eyes widened staring at nothing in particular without blinking, lips sucked inside mouth. Were the mutual expressions of Aman and Karan, If Karan was shocked listening Aditi's name, then Aman was scared listening to kanishka's. Their trance came to an end when principal sir announced

"The winner of this event will be awarded with the trophy and the winning team members will be awarded with individual scholarships"

The word 'scholarship' catching their attention other than anything else, turning towards each other they gave each other a look before whispering

"We can help Tanu with this"

Both said simultaneously in a voice which was audible only to them.

"The students whose name I just took, meet me tomorrow morning in my cabin, you all can leave now, Thank You"

Sir concluded taking leave from the classroom, behind him went Maths Sir discussing something with the principal. There was chaos all around as some rushed out of the classroom, some running around playing with each other, so some came and wished good luck to them.

"But do you think Aditi and specially Kanishka will agree to participate??"

Karan said the doubt what Aman had in his mind from long. Aman shrugged his shoulders having no idea about it. Just then an ear piercing yell caught their attention, following the direction they found Kanishka and Aditi stand. Kanishka looked too pissed to listen anything and was moving her hand all around.

"I'm not participating, I can't bear that Aman around me even for a minute, a whole competition is far thing"
Kanishka told shaking her head despite of Aditi's trials of making her understand. Looking at her frustrated and not listen her own friend, Karan bit his tongue losing even the slightest of hope arising inside him that she would agree if Aditi asks her to.

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