Ch 13-Getting comfortable

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"You are not coming in my team whatsoever!"

"Excuse me? I'm the one who outright reject you"

"What the hell do you mean by that!? Am I requesting you to take me!?"

"Even though you beg me, I won't take you!!", Commented Aman driving Kanishka crazy who gave him an "Are you crazy?" kinda look, making him chuckle infuriating Kanishka further as she stepped near him yelling

"Don't you dare laugh at me, you monkey-head...!!"

It was Aman's turn to raise his eyebrows and stepping a foot closer looked straight into her eyes muttering

"Whom do you think you are calling monkey!?"

"You, Of course! Who else? You are the only human who didn't evolve even after this many years!"

Aman scrunched his face listening Kanishka's comment and it was so comical that she laughed at him, without any shame. Instead of thinking of a way to select team, they were busy rejecting each other's  invitation for the team. Only if they knew that they couldn't deny their fate.

On the other hand Karan was thinking of a way they could select teams. Aditi was sat next to him racking her brains as well, turning his head to face her Karan was left in an awe. His jaw hanging loose and lips quivering, too insensitive to speak as his eyes watched her without blinking.

Her palm resting on her delicate chin as she was lost in her own trance of thoughts staring at nothing in particular just when her skin prickled sensing a strong gaze on her and out of instinct, her face turned towards Karan matching straight with his eyes which were busy staring at her thin and black eyelashes.

Blinking several times at him but still finding his gaze intact, fixed at her eyelashes, she felt baffled. Getting tensed that there was something wrong with her eyelashes, she placed her hand beside it brushing it softly with her index finger asking

"Is something wrong with my eyelashes?"

The question breaking through Karan's trance, startling him as he closed his mouth quickly running his eyes around if he was broken from a spell, he shook his head vigorously indicating that there was nothing serious.

Lowering his gaze quickly mentally facepalming himself for his act, he quickly added trying to cover his embarrassment

"Actually, there was some dust on your eyelashes, it's gone now, nothing to worry"

Aditi mouthed an 'oh' and a 'thank you' to which Karan lightly smiled turning his head quickly muttering to himself

Aditi cannot be in my team. I doubt I can concentrate on my practice and may end up embarrassing myself. No, I can't let this happen!

Karan came to the conclusion mentally beginning to think how to do it, he knew very well if they would decide team by any luck based game, definitely he would be paired up with Aditi, courtesy his luck.

He was damn scared and couldn't think of any idea. After some seconds of tirelessly working his brains, he finally thought "Why not Aman then! When will that useless junk be of some use?"

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