Ch 32- Parents Meeting

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Dedicated to ShaistaAfreen9

Running far from Aman not turning back at him until reaching a safe distance to do so, Karan ignored all the yells behind. And only after feeling a safe distance reached, he slowed down his speed peeking back at Aman.

His head turned behind partially as he walked looking at Aman smiling and chuckling at Aman's scared expressions as Kanishka was stood right in front of him.

His concentration was more towards the back than the front which resulted him in bumping on the person who was crossing paths.

The collision of their bodies causing them both to lose balance, but Karan somehow managed to balance himself and was quick enough to grab the girl before falling by encircling both his hand around her back.

"I'm so sor....", The word dried up in his mouth as his eyes fell on the girl he was almost carrying on his arms, his head bent looking blankly at the girl, the one he was searching for from so long and now when she was right there, so near to him he couldn't believe his eyes.

Yes, the girl was none other than Aditi who had her eyes squeezed shut out of fear having not realised yet that she hadn't fallen down but was caught by Karan.

Looking at her scared self a smile his lips curled forming a light smile which only grew wider as his eyes scanned every feature of her face carefully.

Starting from her silky long hair some of which were lying on her bright wide forehead, to her natural thin eyebrows curved in swooping arches over her delicate eyelids hiding behind her glacier gleaming eyes.

Her small button like nose and her naturally pink lips which when widens, forms light dimples on her soft feathery cheeks adding thousands more to her beauty, and lastly her round chin which completes her divine look, the one capable of turning heads and make people look twice.

Karan's trance of thoughts came to and end when Aditi opened her eyelids slowly making him shut his mouth instantly which was open earlier in her admiration.

He was looking at her feeling nervous all of a sudden as she turned her head looking around confused, until she looked up and their eyes met causing a sudden increase in their heartbeats especially Aditi's who blinked her eyes repeatedly trying to believe if what she was seeing was actually happening in reality.

Opening her lips and then pressing it tight failing to say anything Aditi looked back blankly in Karan's eyes whose hands behind her back was going shaky with every passing second as he lost control over his mind slowly. Finding her look directly into his eyes Karan felt startled and because of which his hold around her back went loose causing Aditi to flinch her eyes closed and encircle her hand quick around his neck.

Karan was quick to bend and grab her back as well, his heartbeat going berserk against his heart with every passing second feeling her face so close to his own.

Same was with Aditi who lowered her eyes feeling extremely shy to either say anything or look up to his eyes. Averting his gaze from her karan looked elsewhere pulling her back making her stand on her legs.

Removing his hands around her, Karan was quick to pull it behind his back, looking elsewhere but Aditi a chill ran down his spine feeling her warm breathe falling on his face as Aditi stood looking down, her hands still encircled around Karan's neck.

Lifting her head up slowly, gazing at him who was already looking at her, she realized how close were they standing as her hands were wrapped around his neck. Pulling her hands back instantly she stepped back bending her head, her heartbeats running at its maximum speed.

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