Ch 22- Tough Choice

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Dedicated to jsnj_writes

My lucky 500th voter!! My story completed 500 votes last week! my first goal!

Hey guys m back again with another interesting update (sorry for the delay)!! Let's start with it then..


"Urrrggghhh" Abhishek groaned hitting the bench with his tightly closed fist.

"You aren't happy??" Asked his teammate aka his girlfriend touching his fist who pulled it away hastily.

"Happy?? Happy for what?? I was just one moment late and they got the chance to answer and even got it correct" he grit his teeth hitting the bench again.

"But that still went in our favor isn't it? Now no team can overtake us, their score is 5 so even though they get another answer correct, they will have maximum of 7 points and that means it will still be a draw!! We are 1st rank anyhow!" She spoke assuring him, who just curled his lips falling back on his chair, the word 'tie' somewhere nagging his mind.

Well aware of his attitude problems, she thought of advising him to stay calm and think properly before taking any risks on next question, she placed her hand on his shoulder calling him to listen to her who just gave an uninterested look, Before she could advise and make him understand that it's all fine, quiz master started speaking turning both of their attention back to him.

Woah woah woah now it's fun. Team C with that correct answer has climbed up to 5 points and the margin between them and team A is just 2 points now which can be obtained with another correct answer.

But will team A let that happen?? Will they just let team C come out of nowhere and take their position?? Will they be happy with a tie?

Abhishek grit his teeth and his eyes snapped at karan's direction listening this who seemed to look all relaxed speaking with his teammates and laughing as if they have nothing to fear for. He was angry much with himself losing one question to them and here the quiz master was speaking about a tie which was hurting his ego badly.

"Dude, I know what you are thinking, but I just wanna say don't take any unwanted risks, we are anyway first, we don't really have to do anything, we can just sit back and relax, but if u still wanna go for the question, make sure you hit the buzzer only when you are assured of the answer, don't hit it in a hurry"

Abhishek's face expressions were traced out by one of his other teammates and he tried making him understand, who just replied rudely

"I know what to do! I'm not a fool to take such risks!, I will not be going for the question most likely" his last words came out more of the form of a whisper, lacking self believe and his words were more of a self assuring statement to himself than to his teammate. Their attention turned back to quiz master who continued speaking.

Or will the team A confirm their sole stay on 1st by answering this question!? Or maybe we will we see some other team answering, spoiling the party for team C?? .. All the teams still contenders for those two spots! But which two will make it!? Will be decided by this question, so arrrreeeee youuuuu readyyyyyyy people???


The noise aired throughout the auditorium with the claps of anticipation. A new energy filled the entire auditorium. 'Guys' Karan called out to his teammates. As they all looked up to him, he spoke and his words took them by surprise.

"We will go for this answer!!"

"What?? Are you serious??" Asked Aman surprised.

"Yes I am serious, I am damn sure every other team will go for this question maybe not team A but everyone else will! Noone's gonna leave a chance to try their luck on this, and if any other team succeeds in this process then we are out, so we are ought to go for this, we might get the answer correct.

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