Ch 37- Drama

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"Am I really boring?"



"This is the 7th time, you have asked me the same damnnnn question", Aman turned giving Karan a stern look, tired of hearing the same thing.

7? I thought I was just asking for the 2nd time!

Karan shook his head at the thought, while his hand ran over his neck dubious. Failing to recall he looked back at Aman who had his hands on his hips perhaps waiting for him to look up and as soon as he did, arched his eyebrows asking

"And may I know the reason behind you recalling all these bullshits only while playing cricket?"

Aman pondered blinking his eyes, irked at the fact that the happening was of Thursdays and today after three days when they were in the ground playing cricket, fielding by the boundary line, the Mr. Intelligent found it to be the perfect time to ask his dumbest thoughts, running up to Aman every 10-15 minutes asking the same question to which Aman had already answered

"You are not boring, just that I'm more interesting"

Karan rolled his eyes recalling his answer, before bending his head at the question. Moving his eyes left to right he searched for an answer, Only he himself could understand how much this answer meant to him after what happened yesterday in the English class


"Let's not study this!!!"

Told Sir keeping the book down on the desk and then raising his head up looking to continue but before he could utter anything more he was silenced by the loud exaggerated celebration by everyone, causing his eyes to roll and hands to move on his hips, as he released a deep sigh watching the entire class turn into a fish market in no second.

While some busied themselves talking, some screeched in happiness loudest amongst which was Kanishka


"Wait.. wait.. wait.. have some patience! Let me complete first", sir caught back everybody's attention with his words, silencing everyone as they turned frowning at Sir earning sullen gazes from everyone including kanishka who pouted deep foreseeing the upcoming words.

Her face expressions resembling the one of a 5 year old kid whose chocolate has been pulled away from its hands hastily, by someone who gave that to him/her themselves. Aman chuckled more at her expressions than anybody else's similar faces which he cared the least to notice, mumbling to himself while his eyes scanned her pouting little face

"How can someone be this cute?"

"Cute? Who's cute? Rose?", Asked Karan interrogating following Aman's gaze who quickly averted his gaze throwing Karan daggers from his eyes for taking the name 'Rose' before covering up his earlier words saying

"Mute.. not cute.. see how sir made everyone go mute!", Karan eyed Aman examining his face who just played a smirk gazing elsewhere not wanting to give it all away from his face.

"We won't study this, we will enact it! It's a drama which is not studied, but visualised! And from we, I mean you guys! So who all are interested in presenting the drama??"

"Meeee", The yell of excitement rang throughout the class but the very next moment faded out in thin air as Sir was the only one who whooped in joy, his one hand raised up as he yelled hoping to hear the same intensity of yell followed with his own from everyone else, but hearing none his hand came down and the large smile was now reduced to a displeasured frown.

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